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byte[] hashArray = { 48, 49, 86, 50, 75, 85, 89, 82, 70, 81 ,72, 53, 72 ,69, 86, 52, 82, 85, 84 ,82, 66, 73, 87, 87 ,79 ,76 ,84, 73, 50 ,83, 78, 83, 81, 80 }; //byte[] hashArray = {150, 131 ,160, 235, 250, 243, 185, 8 ,191, 159, 10, 168, 143, 95, 123 ,116, 187, 168, 19, 195}; Console.WriteLine("hasharray::::"); Console.WriteLine(hashArray.Length); quickXorHash.HashCore(hashArray,0,34); var hashValue = quickXorHash.HashFinal();
i referred microsoft doc also but not getting proper key as same as onedrive api is giving
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