OneDrive / onedrive-sdk-dotnet-msa-auth-adapter

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server/daemon type authentication #24

Closed lockelost closed 7 years ago

lockelost commented 7 years ago

Hi, I need to run my client in service/daemon mode, which means no user interaction is possible. Here in Azure sample, it says we can use AppId and AppKey for this kind of application.

Are you considering support for this type of applications?


cdmayer commented 7 years ago

As I answered in the other repository this is not currently supported but could definitely be added. I'll leave this issue open and classified as an Enhancement for future consideration.

lockelost commented 7 years ago

Hi 'cdmayer', I created the Pull request for this very simple but working AuthProvider for 'Daemon' type applications.

Users can use like this.

string clientid = "[Your Application ID]"; string appKey = "[Your Application Key]"; string tenant = "[Your tenant name, usually a domain name for your Office365 service. Like '']"; string msgraphurl = ""; // Always this string userid = "[Global Admin User ID, like '']"; var adalAuthenticationProvider = new AdalDaemonAuthenticationProvider(clientid, appKey, tenant); var discoveryServiceHelper = new DiscoveryServiceHelper(clientid, returnurl); this.oneDriveClient = new OneDriveClient(msgraphurl+"/v1.0/users/"+ userid, adalAuthenticationProvider); authTask = adalAuthenticationProvider.AuthenticateUserAsync(msgraphurl);