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Does anybody still use (or have a copy of) MXDtoWMS? #3

Closed nmtoken closed 4 years ago

nmtoken commented 6 years ago

In the older WMS cookbook Appendix C we describe how to create MapServer CLASS definitions from ArcGIS legends using a tool called The MXDtoWMS tool. we provide a link to the ArcGIS Code Sharing page, but the tool no longer seems to exist.

Does anybody still run it, or have a copy of it?

There were versions for ArcGIS 8 and ArcGIS 9, so the next related question might be does anybody still run these versions of ArcGIS, because if the tool only works on these versions but nobody runs them...

As per issue 2 the purpose for asking the question is really centred around whether it's worth updating / transferring this content to the new cookbooks.

nmtoken commented 4 years ago

No response, so assuming no ongoing requirement for documentation.