Closed guowei0105 closed 8 months ago
Enhanced Conditionality in 'fsm_msgNervosSignTx' Function The 'fsm_msgNervosSignTx' function now has an added check for a specific condition. If a message has a data_length property and this property's value is greater than zero and the size of data_initial_chunk, the function 'nervos_sign_sighash_init' is activated. Otherwise, 'nervos_sign_sighash' is called.
Added Parameters to 'nervos_sign_sighash' and 'nervos_sign_sighash_init' Functions Two new parameters, namely 'NervosSignTx msg' and 'NervosSignedTx resp', have been added to these two functions. They help these functions better handle input data.
Updated 'nervos_sign_sighash' and 'nervos_sign_sighash_init' The implementation of these two functions has been updated to utilize these new parameters: 'msg' and 'resp'. This allows the functions to use a more streamlined set of parameters instead of multiple individual ones.
LayoutBlindSign Integration in Functions The 'layoutBlindSign' has been integrated into the 'nervos_sign_sighash' and 'nervos_sign_sighash_init' functions. This provides an extra layer of functionality during the sign operation.
Added Error Handling for 'layoutBlindSign' Error handling and cancellation logic have been integrated into 'nervos_sign_sighash' and 'nervos_sign_sighash_init' for the 'layoutBlindSign' function. This ensures the smoother execution of coding processes and the robust management of any possible errors.
blind signature page adjustment