OneLiberty / moonlight-chrome-tizen

A WASM port of Moonlight for Samsung Smart TV's running Tizen OS (5.5 and up)
GNU General Public License v3.0
185 stars 15 forks source link

Cannot stream higher than 1080p #23

Closed Spruitje closed 6 months ago

Spruitje commented 6 months ago

I am trying to stream from sunshine 0.21.0 on Windows 10 PC 22H2 build 19045.3930 to Samsung 4K Smart TV model ua65au7000kxxd but selecting any resolution higher than 1080p in Moonlight results in "Connection Terminated" All devices are connected to Local Network over Ethernet I am trying to connect in Desktop mode (i do not use Steam)

I have tried various tweaks, custom resolutions, monitor switching scripts and apps without success Eventually i bought a 4k HDMI dummy, which is installed correctly but also does not provide 4k in Moonlight

I am using an AMD Radeon 580rx 4gb card on the PC I have tried booting without monitor and only HDMI dummy (autologin/autostart on Windows) I have tried Extended Desktop, Duplicate Desktop,Show only on either the dummy(4k) or my 1080p monitor(1080p or 4k through super resolution and gpu scaling) I have tried making the dummy display primary I confirmed resolution settings in Windows I have tried each and any variation of the Super Resolution and GPU scaling settings in AMD Adrenalin software

In almost every case i can select 1080p in moonlight just fine and the stream initiates as expected (regardless of Host settings/resolutions) However selecting 1440p or 4k (either 30 or 60fps and regardless of encoder/HDR setting) in moonlight the connection always terminates (small grey popup "Connection Terminated" at the bottom of the screen before video initializes)

Icedrow commented 6 months ago

Use this virtual dummy:

Spruitje commented 6 months ago

Use this virtual dummy:

Thank for your reply, sadly i already tried that one before until exhaustion I have been looking online for days and tried as many software "solutions" i could find until i caved and got a HDMI dongle, only to find out that that did not work too.

I might add that using that VDD i did got a stream going, but again only 1080p (or below)

I can make my GPU output 4k either by AMD Super resolution, virtualised on something like the VDD or using the HDMI dongle(duplicated, extended or headless), i can just make Moonlight display it When i set Moonlight to 4k (or 1440p for that matter) i always get a "Connection Terminated"

Karabacak021 commented 6 months ago

Did you checked the Sunshine log at the Troubleshooting tab and the Moonlight app log?

Maybe there will be the cause in error message.

I use the xres program recommended in Sunshine instead of a dongle, it's worth giving it a try.
You can download there: Works without any problem on win 11 64bit + nvidia rtx3060. Drop the .exe QRes.exe to a folder (I did to Sunshine folder)

Then in the application editor on Sunshine, in the Command Preparations section, press add command. Mine: Do: cmd /C e:\sunshine\QRes.exe /X:3840 /Y:2160 Undo: cmd /C e:\sunshine\QRes.exe /X:2560 /Y:1440 Logically, change the path to where you put QRes.exe and the resolution of the undo command to your original resolution.

Icedrow commented 6 months ago

What TV model does appear on the bottom left of the moonlight TV app? Ex. Model code:21........UHD_BASIC

OneLiberty commented 6 months ago

@Spruitje Please check the logs of the app if you can. Did you try another port of moonlight (like phone or others ?)

Spruitje commented 6 months ago

@Spruitje Please check the logs of the app if you can. Did you try another port of moonlight (like phone or others ?)

I have Moonlight running across multiple PCs, and Android devices, all working as intended but none are capable of 4K My TV is the only 4k device i have The two other PCs i have are old and do not have GPUs capable of 4K output I got Moonlight working on my Local Netork through ethernet if applicable(TV and PCs) or WiFI in case of the Android devices (Tablet and 3 phones) Additionally i am behind a CGNAT and have Moonlight working over the internet using a virtual local network with the help of ZeroTier

I tried other forks of the Moonlight Tizen app before but other gave me various trouble such as the "black screen with sound" issues I had another fork working long ago, but never tried 4k since i had no 4k capable GPU

Did you checked the Sunshine log at the Troubleshooting tab and the Moonlight app log?

Maybe there will be the cause in error message.

I use the xres program recommended in Sunshine instead of a dongle, it's worth giving it a try. You can download there: Works without any problem on win 11 64bit + nvidia rtx3060. Drop the .exe QRes.exe to a folder (I did to Sunshine folder)

Then in the application editor on Sunshine, in the Command Preparations section, press add command. Mine: Do: cmd /C e:\sunshine\QRes.exe /X:3840 /Y:2160 Undo: cmd /C e:\sunshine\QRes.exe /X:2560 /Y:1440 Logically, change the path to where you put QRes.exe and the resolution of the undo command to your original resolution.

I did not check the logs because i didn't knew how to get them from the TV, Thanks for that link! I will retrieve a log today and report it back here

I did try some automated resolution changers but i didn't seem to have tried that specific one, i will give it a go Still i do not think the resolution output would be the issue since the dxgi-info tool of sunshine has reported the correct resolution and display number on the monitor (using super res on DISPLAY1), Virtual Display (DISPLAY8) and HDMI dongle (DISPLAY 1 if duplicated or headless, DISPLAY2 if extended). If DISPLAY# is anything but 1 i modified the Sunshine settings to the correct \.\DISPLAY# and this selection seems to work as intended, yet again only 1080p in Moonlight)

I might add that each time i get a "Connection Terminated" and get kicked back to Moonlight i cannot put settings back to 1080p and retry, i need to leave and reopen the app before the new settings will apply. In other words, i do close and reopen the Moonlight app before trying out the new settings.

What TV model does appear on the bottom left of the moonlight TV app? Ex. Model code:21........UHD_BASIC

My TV get recognized correctly as ua65au7000kxxd in the Moonlight App

Thanks for all the help, i will be trying to get some fresh logs today and report them back!

[UPDATE 1 - Regarding using QRes.exe] On GPU, no dummy: I tested QRes manually first, WITHOUT Virtual Super Resolution it complains about unsupported resolution and fails WITH Virtual Super resolution ON it switches between resolutions as expected

Then on Moonlight with the correct DO: and UNDO: commands set in Sunshine (with elevated rights or else nothing happens):

If i set Moonlight to 1080p and start stream, the stream works I check windows display settings and the switch did happen to 3840x2160 so Moonlight is encoding the stream to 1080p

The i try Moonlight on 4k and get "Connection Terminated" again

So whatever Windows reports in the settings, i suspect using AMDs Virtual Super Resolution and setting Windows to 3840x2160 can be a culprit here so i am going to try to add a custom resolution that is selectable WITHOUT AMDs Super Resolution even though my display does not support it

Spruitje commented 6 months ago

Moonlight Log:

`common.js:128 [updateStatus, common.js] Page loaded. index.js:1538 [index.js] Moonlight's main window loaded index.js:1343 initializing keys index.js:1363 Initializing SamsungTV platform index.js:1368 loading stored user data index.js:1075 Opening IndexDB webapis.js:1 [productinfo.js] getModel begin webapis.js:1 [productinfo.js] getModel end [object Object] webapis.js:1 [productinfo.js] getModel message data UAU7000 webapis.js:1 [productinfo.js] getModelCode begin webapis.js:1 [productinfo.js] getModelCode end [object Object] webapis.js:1 [productinfo.js] getModelCode message data 21_KANTSU2E_UHD_BASIC index.js:20 TV model: UAU7000 index.js:21 TV modelcode: 21_KANTSU2E_UHD_BASIC index.js:1079 Storage will not be cleared except by explicit user action index.js:1100 Success creating/accessing IndexedDB database index.js:1377 load stored VideoCodec prefs index.js:1388 load stored resolution prefs index.js:1399 Load stored remote audio prefs index.js:1410 load stored framerate prefs index.js:1421 load stored optimization prefs index.js:1432 load stored framePacing prefs index.js:1443 load stored HDR prefs index.js:1454 load stored audioSync prefs index.js:1465 load stored bitrate prefs index.js:1148 Read data from the DB key: codecVideo value: "0x0100" index.js:1153 Parsed value index.js:1154 0x0100 index.js:1148 Read data from the DB key: resolution value: "3840:2160" index.js:1153 Parsed value index.js:1154 3840:2160 index.js:1148 Read data from the DB key: remoteAudio value: false index.js:1153 Parsed value index.js:1154 false index.js:1148 Read data from the DB key: frameRate value: 60 index.js:1153 Parsed value index.js:1154 60 index.js:1148 Read data from the DB key: optimize value: true index.js:1153 Parsed value index.js:1154 true index.js:1148 Read data from the DB key: framePacing value: undefined index.js:1148 Read data from the DB key: HDR value: true index.js:1153 Parsed value index.js:1154 true index.js:1148 Read data from the DB key: audioSync value: undefined index.js:1148 Read data from the DB key: bitrate value: "80" index.js:1153 Parsed value index.js:1154 80 index.js:1199 Data at key: bitrate stored as: "80" common.js:15 WASM runtime initialized common.js:128 [updateStatus, common.js] RUNNING index.js:1481 load the HTTP cert and unique ID if we have one. index.js:1148 Read data from the DB key: cert value: {"cert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nbm0cf+4qfnFDTqF2p7+mAmg1+w7FZsoI11aszttt9I7wBKI=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n","privateKey":"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\nzHOs9lKR8df9gcxGEkv1U80=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n"} index.js:1153 Parsed value index.js:1154 Object index.js:1148 Read data from the DB key: uniqueid value: undefined index.js:753 [index.js] Entering "Show apps and hosts" mode index.js:1148 Read data from the DB key: hosts value: {"DE6C2404-0295-A72B-5A92-CBA08E135237":{"address":"","ppkstr":"sha256//1a7pUVVVfprrXtSR6TgbhLtnAoFW8GMm8mhSd2lPAc4=","paired":true,"currentGame":0,"serverMajorVersion":7,"appVersion":"7.1.431.-1","clientUid":"0123456789ABCDEF","_pollCount":0,"_consecutivePollFailures":0,"online":true,"userEnteredAddress":"","serverUid":"DE6C2404-0295-A72B-5A92-CBA08E135237","gfeVersion":"","supportedDisplayModes":{"240:352":[10,30,60,90,120],"360:480":[10,30,60,90,120],"480:858":[10,30,60,90,120],"720:1280":[10,30,60,90,120],"1080:1920":[10,30,60,90,120],"1080:2560":[10,30,60,90,120],"1440:3440":[10,30,60,90,120],"1200:1920":[10,30,60,90,120],"2160:3840":[10,30,60,90,120],"1600:3840":[10,30,60,90,120]},"gputype":"","numofapps":"","hostname":"UmiDesktop","externalIP":"","_pollCompletionCallbacks":[],"_baseUrlHttps":"","_baseUrlHttp":""},"80027748-2717-960A-300E-3DAAE7DD0322":{"address":"","ppkstr":"sha256//dISGlB1utXsaedKppXQErAE1k12cuwqW9OrWPHzkm/U=","paired":true,"currentGame":0,"serverMajorVersion":7,"appVersion":"7.1.431.-1","clientUid":"0123456789ABCDEF","_pollCount":2,"_consecutivePollFailures":0,"online":true,"userEnteredAddress":"","serverUid":"80027748-2717-960A-300E-3DAAE7DD0322","gfeVersion":"","supportedDisplayModes":{"240:352":[10,30,60,90,120],"360:480":[10,30,60,90,120],"480:858":[10,30,60,90,120],"720:1280":[10,30,60,90,120],"1080:1920":[10,30,60,90,120],"1080:2560":[10,30,60,90,120],"1440:3440":[10,30,60,90,120],"1200:1920":[10,30,60,90,120],"2160:3840":[10,30,60,90,120],"1600:3840":[10,30,60,90,120]},"gputype":"","numofapps":"","hostname":"DESKTOP-5O0LOCF","externalIP":"","_pollCompletionCallbacks":[],"_baseUrlHttps":"","_baseUrlHttp":""}} index.js:1153 Parsed value index.js:1154 Object utils.js:94 [utils.js, NvHTTP Object] NvHTTP utils.js:94 [utils.js, NvHTTP Object] NvHTTP index.js:1531 [index.js] Loaded previously connected hosts moonlight-wasm.js:1 CURL: (PPK: 'sha256//1a7pUVVVfprrXtSR6TgbhLtnAoFW8GMm8mhSd2lPAc4=') -> No error utils.js:297 [utils.js, _parseServerInfo] Parsing server info: n.fn.init [root, prevObject: n.fn.init(1), context: document, selector: "root"] index.js:244 [index.js, backgroundPolling] Stopping background polling of host DE6C2404-0295-A72B-5A92-CBA08E135237 NvHTTP {address: "", ppkstr: "sha256//1a7pUVVVfprrXtSR6TgbhLtnAoFW8GMm8mhSd2lPAc4=", paired: true, currentGame: 0, serverMajorVersion: 7, …} server address: server UID: DE6C2404-0295-A72B-5A92-CBA08E135237 is paired: true current game: 0 server major version: 7 appversion: 7.1.431.-1 GFE version: gpu type: number of apps: supported display modes: 240:352: 10,30,60,90,120 360:480: 10,30,60,90,120 480:858: 10,30,60,90,120 720:1280: 10,30,60,90,120 1080:1920: 10,30,60,90,120 1080:2560: 10,30,60,90,120 1440:3440: 10,30,60,90,120 1200:1920: 10,30,60,90,120 2160:3840: 10,30,60,90,120 1600:3840: 10,30,60,90,120

index.js:244 [index.js, backgroundPolling] Stopping background polling of host 80027748-2717-960A-300E-3DAAE7DD0322 NvHTTP {address: "", ppkstr: "sha256//dISGlB1utXsaedKppXQErAE1k12cuwqW9OrWPHzkm/U=", paired: false, currentGame: 0, serverMajorVersion: 0, …} server address: server UID: 80027748-2717-960A-300E-3DAAE7DD0322 is paired: false current game: 0 server major version: 0 appversion: GFE version: gpu type: number of apps: 0 supported display modes:

index.js:663 [index.js, showApps] Current host object: NvHTTP {address: "", ppkstr: "sha256//1a7pUVVVfprrXtSR6TgbhLtnAoFW8GMm8mhSd2lPAc4=", paired: true, currentGame: 0, serverMajorVersion: 7, …} server address: server UID: DE6C2404-0295-A72B-5A92-CBA08E135237 is paired: true current game: 0 server major version: 7 appversion: 7.1.431.-1 GFE version: gpu type: number of apps: supported display modes: 240:352: 10,30,60,90,120 360:480: 10,30,60,90,120 480:858: 10,30,60,90,120 720:1280: 10,30,60,90,120 1080:1920: 10,30,60,90,120 1080:2560: 10,30,60,90,120 1440:3440: 10,30,60,90,120 1200:1920: 10,30,60,90,120 2160:3840: 10,30,60,90,120 1600:3840: 10,30,60,90,120

utils.js:409 [utils.js, utils.js] Returning memory-cached apps list index.js:770 [index.js] Entering "Show apps" mode index.js:244 [index.js, backgroundPolling] Stopping background polling of host DE6C2404-0295-A72B-5A92-CBA08E135237 NvHTTP {address: "", ppkstr: "sha256//1a7pUVVVfprrXtSR6TgbhLtnAoFW8GMm8mhSd2lPAc4=", paired: true, currentGame: 0, serverMajorVersion: 7, …} server address: server UID: DE6C2404-0295-A72B-5A92-CBA08E135237 is paired: true current game: 0 server major version: 7 appversion: 7.1.431.-1 GFE version: gpu type: number of apps: supported display modes: 240:352: 10,30,60,90,120 360:480: 10,30,60,90,120 480:858: 10,30,60,90,120 720:1280: 10,30,60,90,120 1080:1920: 10,30,60,90,120 1080:2560: 10,30,60,90,120 1440:3440: 10,30,60,90,120 1200:1920: 10,30,60,90,120 2160:3840: 10,30,60,90,120 1600:3840: 10,30,60,90,120

index.js:244 [index.js, backgroundPolling] Stopping background polling of host 80027748-2717-960A-300E-3DAAE7DD0322 NvHTTP {address: "", ppkstr: "sha256//dISGlB1utXsaedKppXQErAE1k12cuwqW9OrWPHzkm/U=", paired: false, currentGame: 0, serverMajorVersion: 0, …} server address: server UID: 80027748-2717-960A-300E-3DAAE7DD0322 is paired: false current game: 0 server major version: 0 appversion: GFE version: gpu type: number of apps: 0 supported display modes:

utils.js:461 [utils.js, utils.js, getBoxArt] not detected! Box art will not be saved! getBoxArt @ utils.js:461 (anonymous) @ index.js:730 (anonymous) @ index.js:688 Promise.then (async) showApps @ index.js:673 hostChosen @ index.js:355 (anonymous) @ index.js:452 dispatch @ jquery-2.2.0.min.js:3 r.handle @ jquery-2.2.0.min.js:3 accept @ navigation.js:100 (anonymous) @ navigation.js:520 remoteControllerHandler @ remote_controller.js:37 utils.js:461 [utils.js, utils.js, getBoxArt] not detected! Box art will not be saved! getBoxArt @ utils.js:461 (anonymous) @ index.js:730 (anonymous) @ index.js:688 Promise.then (async) showApps @ index.js:673 hostChosen @ index.js:355 (anonymous) @ index.js:452 dispatch @ jquery-2.2.0.min.js:3 r.handle @ jquery-2.2.0.min.js:3 accept @ navigation.js:100 (anonymous) @ navigation.js:520 remoteControllerHandler @ remote_controller.js:37 moonlight-wasm.js:1 CURL: (PPK: 'sha256//dISGlB1utXsaedKppXQErAE1k12cuwqW9OrWPHzkm/U=') -> Couldn't connect to server moonlight-wasm.js:1 CURL: (PPK: 'sha256//1a7pUVVVfprrXtSR6TgbhLtnAoFW8GMm8mhSd2lPAc4=') -> No error utils.js:475 [utils.js, utils.js, getBoxArt] Returning network-fetched box art moonlight-wasm.js:1 CURL: (PPK: 'sha256//1a7pUVVVfprrXtSR6TgbhLtnAoFW8GMm8mhSd2lPAc4=') -> No error utils.js:475 [utils.js, utils.js, getBoxArt] Returning network-fetched box art moonlight-wasm.js:1 CURL: (PPK: 'sha256//1a7pUVVVfprrXtSR6TgbhLtnAoFW8GMm8mhSd2lPAc4=') -> No error utils.js:297 [utils.js, _parseServerInfo] Parsing server info: n.fn.init [root, prevObject: n.fn.init(1), context: document, selector: "root"] utils.js:409 [utils.js, utils.js] Returning memory-cached apps list index.js:855 [index.js, startGame] startRequest: :1 :1 :0x0100 utils.js:81 [utils.js, getConnectedGamepadMask] Detected 0 gamepads index.js:956 [index.js, playGameMode] Entering play game mode moonlight-wasm.js:1 CURL: (PPK: 'sha256//1a7pUVVVfprrXtSR6TgbhLtnAoFW8GMm8mhSd2lPAc4=') -> No error moonlight-wasm.js:1 startStream host: w: 3840 h: 2160 messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: Setting stream width to: 3840 messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: Setting stream height to: 2160 messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: Setting stream fps to: 60 messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: Setting stream host to: messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: Setting stream bitrate to: 80000 messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: Setting rikey to: cee859b703d13fb01a33a44ff066fa13 messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: Setting rikeyid to: 1682403664 messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: Setting appversion to: 7.1.431.-1 messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: Setting gfeversion to: messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: Setting RTSP url to: rtsp:// messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: Setting frame pacing to: 1 messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: Setting audio syncing to: 1 messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: Setting HDR to:1 messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: Setting videoCodec: 0x0100 messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: Starting connection to moonlight-wasm.js:1 RTSP port: 48010

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Initializing platform... messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: ProgressMsg: Starting platform initialization... moonlight-wasm.js:1 done

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Resolving host name... messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: ProgressMsg: Starting name resolution... moonlight-wasm.js:1 done

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Initializing audio stream... messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: ProgressMsg: Starting audio stream initialization... moonlight-wasm.js:1 done

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Starting RTSP handshake... messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: ProgressMsg: Starting RTSP handshake... moonlight-wasm.js:1 setsockopt(TCP_MAXSEG, 536) failed: 50

moonlight-wasm.js:1 setsockopt(TCP_MAXSEG, 536) failed: 50

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Reference frame invalidation is not supported by this host

moonlight-wasm.js:1 setsockopt(TCP_MAXSEG, 536) failed: 50

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Audio port: 48000

moonlight-wasm.js:1 setsockopt(TCP_MAXSEG, 536) failed: 50

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Video port: 47998

moonlight-wasm.js:1 setsockopt(TCP_MAXSEG, 536) failed: 50

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Control port: 47999

moonlight-wasm.js:1 setsockopt(TCP_MAXSEG, 536) failed: 50

moonlight-wasm.js:1 setsockopt(TCP_MAXSEG, 536) failed: 50

moonlight-wasm.js:1 done

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Initializing control stream... messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: ProgressMsg: Starting control stream initialization... moonlight-wasm.js:1 done

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Initializing video stream... messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: ProgressMsg: Starting video stream initialization... moonlight-wasm.js:1 done

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Initializing input stream... messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: ProgressMsg: Starting input stream initialization... moonlight-wasm.js:1 done

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Starting control stream... messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: ProgressMsg: Starting control stream establishment... moonlight-wasm.js:1 done

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Starting video stream... messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: ProgressMsg: Starting video stream establishment... moonlight-wasm.js:1 MoonlightInstance::VidDecSetup

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Waiting for closed

moonlight-wasm.js:1 EMSS::OnClosed

moonlight-wasm.js:1 closed done

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Using mimeType video/mp4; codecs="avc1.64002A"

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Inb4 source open

moonlight-wasm.js:1 EMSS::OnOpenPending

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Source ready to open

moonlight-wasm.js:1 AUDIO ElementaryMediaTrack::OnTrackOpen

moonlight-wasm.js:1 EMSS::OnOpen

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Waiting for start

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Play success

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Control stream received unexpected disconnect event

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Stopping control stream... moonlight-wasm.js:1 ENet peer is already disconnected

moonlight-wasm.js:1 done

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Cleaning up input stream... moonlight-wasm.js:1 done

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Cleaning up video stream... moonlight-wasm.js:1 done

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Cleaning up control stream... moonlight-wasm.js:1 done

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Cleaning up audio stream... moonlight-wasm.js:1 done

moonlight-wasm.js:1 Cleaning up platform... moonlight-wasm.js:1 done

messages.js:68 [messages.js, handleMessage] Message data: streamTerminated: -1 index.js:259 [index.js, snackbarLog] Connection terminated moonlight-wasm.js:1 CURL: (PPK: 'sha256//1a7pUVVVfprrXtSR6TgbhLtnAoFW8GMm8mhSd2lPAc4=') -> No error utils.js:297 [utils.js, _parseServerInfo] Parsing server info: n.fn.init [root, prevObject: n.fn.init(1), context: document, selector: "root"] index.js:663 [index.js, showApps] Current host object: NvHTTP {address: "", ppkstr: "sha256//1a7pUVVVfprrXtSR6TgbhLtnAoFW8GMm8mhSd2lPAc4=", paired: true, currentGame: 881448767, serverMajorVersion: 7, …} server address: server UID: DE6C2404-0295-A72B-5A92-CBA08E135237 is paired: true current game: 881448767 server major version: 7 appversion: 7.1.431.-1 GFE version: gpu type: number of apps: supported display modes: 240:352: 10,30,60,90,120 360:480: 10,30,60,90,120 480:858: 10,30,60,90,120 720:1280: 10,30,60,90,120 1080:1920: 10,30,60,90,120 1080:2560: 10,30,60,90,120 1440:3440: 10,30,60,90,120 1200:1920: 10,30,60,90,120 2160:3840: 10,30,60,90,120 1600:3840: 10,30,60,90,120

utils.js:409 [utils.js, utils.js] Returning memory-cached apps list index.js:770 [index.js] Entering "Show apps" mode index.js:244 [index.js, backgroundPolling] Stopping background polling of host DE6C2404-0295-A72B-5A92-CBA08E135237 NvHTTP {address: "", ppkstr: "sha256//1a7pUVVVfprrXtSR6TgbhLtnAoFW8GMm8mhSd2lPAc4=", paired: true, currentGame: 881448767, serverMajorVersion: 7, …} server address: server UID: DE6C2404-0295-A72B-5A92-CBA08E135237 is paired: true current game: 881448767 server major version: 7 appversion: 7.1.431.-1 GFE version: gpu type: number of apps: supported display modes: 240:352: 10,30,60,90,120 360:480: 10,30,60,90,120 480:858: 10,30,60,90,120 720:1280: 10,30,60,90,120 1080:1920: 10,30,60,90,120 1080:2560: 10,30,60,90,120 1440:3440: 10,30,60,90,120 1200:1920: 10,30,60,90,120 2160:3840: 10,30,60,90,120 1600:3840: 10,30,60,90,120

index.js:244 [index.js, backgroundPolling] Stopping background polling of host 80027748-2717-960A-300E-3DAAE7DD0322 NvHTTP {address: "", ppkstr: "sha256//dISGlB1utXsaedKppXQErAE1k12cuwqW9OrWPHzkm/U=", paired: false, currentGame: 0, serverMajorVersion: 0, …} server address: server UID: 80027748-2717-960A-300E-3DAAE7DD0322 is paired: false current game: 0 server major version: 0 appversion: GFE version: gpu type: number of apps: 0 supported display modes:

utils.js:461 [utils.js, utils.js, getBoxArt] not detected! Box art will not be saved! getBoxArt @ utils.js:461 (anonymous) @ index.js:730 (anonymous) @ index.js:688 Promise.then (async) showApps @ index.js:673 (anonymous) @ messages.js:83 Promise.then (async) handleMessage @ messages.js:81 ASM_CONSTS @ moonlight-wasm.js:1 _emscripten_asm_const_sync_on_main_thread_ii @ moonlight-wasm.js:1 (anonymous) (anonymous) (anonymous) (anonymous) (anonymous) (anonymous) Module._emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls @ moonlight-wasm.js:1 worker.onmessage @ moonlight-wasm.js:1 utils.js:461 [utils.js, utils.js, getBoxArt] not detected! Box art will not be saved! getBoxArt @ utils.js:461 (anonymous) @ index.js:730 (anonymous) @ index.js:688 Promise.then (async) showApps @ index.js:673 (anonymous) @ messages.js:83 Promise.then (async) handleMessage @ messages.js:81 ASM_CONSTS @ moonlight-wasm.js:1 _emscripten_asm_const_sync_on_main_thread_ii @ moonlight-wasm.js:1 (anonymous) (anonymous) (anonymous) (anonymous) (anonymous) (anonymous) Module._emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls @ moonlight-wasm.js:1 worker.onmessage @ moonlight-wasm.js:1 moonlight-wasm.js:1 CURL: (PPK: 'sha256//1a7pUVVVfprrXtSR6TgbhLtnAoFW8GMm8mhSd2lPAc4=') -> No error utils.js:475 [utils.js, utils.js, getBoxArt] Returning network-fetched box art moonlight-wasm.js:1 CURL: (PPK: 'sha256//1a7pUVVVfprrXtSR6TgbhLtnAoFW8GMm8mhSd2lPAc4=') -> No error utils.js:475 [utils.js, utils.js, getBoxArt] Returning network-fetched box art `

Sunshine Log

`2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: nvprefs: NvAPI_Initialize() failed, ignore if you don't have NVIDIA video card 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Sunshine version: 0.21.0 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Compiling shaders... 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: System tray created 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Compiled shaders 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: // Testing for available encoders, this may generate errors. You can safely ignore those errors. // 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Trying encoder nvenc: Info: ddprobe.exe [1] [] returned: 0x00000000 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Set GPU preference: 1

Device Description : Radeon RX 580 Series Device Vendor ID : 0x00001002 Device Device ID : 0x000067DF Device Video Mem : 4039 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 8165 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 3840x2160 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 3840x2160 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Active GPU has HAGS disabled 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Using realtime GPU priority 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Desktop resolution 3840x2160: Info: Desktop format DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: Info: Display refresh rate 59.9401Hz: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps]

Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Encoder [nvenc] is not supported on this GPU 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Trying encoder [quicksync]

Device Description : Radeon RX 580 Series Device Vendor ID : 0x00001002 Device Device ID : 0x000067DF Device Video Mem : 4039 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 8165 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 3840x2160 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 3840x2160 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Active GPU has HAGS disabled 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Using realtime GPU priority 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Desktop resolution 3840x2160: Info: Desktop format DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: Info: Display refresh rate 59.9401Hz: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps]

Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Encoder [quicksync] is not supported on this GPU 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Trying encoder [amdvce]

Device Description : Radeon RX 580 Series Device Vendor ID : 0x00001002 Device Device ID : 0x000067DF Device Video Mem : 4039 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 8165 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 3840x2160 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 3840x2160 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Active GPU has HAGS disabled 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Using realtime GPU priority 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Desktop resolution 3840x2160: Info: Desktop format DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: Info: Display refresh rate 59.9401Hz: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps]

Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits

Device Description : Radeon RX 580 Series Device Vendor ID : 0x00001002 Device Device ID : 0x000067DF Device Video Mem : 4039 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 8165 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 3840x2160 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 3840x2160 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Active GPU has HAGS disabled 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Using realtime GPU priority 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Desktop resolution 3840x2160: Info: Desktop format DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: Info: Display refresh rate 59.9401Hz: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps]

Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: SDR color coding Rec. 601: Info: Color depth: 8-bit 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Color range: JPEG: Error: [h264_amf @ 0000018b0c032c80] encoder->Init() failed with error 3 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Error: Could not open codec [h264_amf]: Internal bug, should not have happened

Device Description : Radeon RX 580 Series Device Vendor ID : 0x00001002 Device Device ID : 0x000067DF Device Video Mem : 4039 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 8165 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 3840x2160 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 3840x2160 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Active GPU has HAGS disabled 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Using realtime GPU priority 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Desktop resolution 3840x2160: Info: Desktop format DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: Info: Display refresh rate 59.9401Hz: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps]

Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: SDR color coding Rec. 601: Info: Color depth: 8-bit 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Info: Color range: JPEG: Error: [h264_amf @ 0000018b0c032a80] encoder->Init() failed with error 3 2024:02:20:12:32:38: Error: Could not open codec [h264_amf]: Internal bug, should not have happened

Device Description : Radeon RX 580 Series Device Vendor ID : 0x00001002 Device Device ID : 0x000067DF Device Video Mem : 4039 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 8165 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 3840x2160 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 3840x2160 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: Active GPU has HAGS disabled 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: Using realtime GPU priority 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: Desktop resolution 3840x2160: Info: Desktop format DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: Info: Display refresh rate 59.9401Hz: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps]

Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: SDR color coding Rec. 601: Info: Color depth: 8-bit 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: Color range: JPEG: Error: [h264_amf @ 0000018b0c031e00] encoder->Init() failed with error 3 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Error: Could not open codec [h264_amf]: Internal bug, should not have happened

Device Description : Radeon RX 580 Series Device Vendor ID : 0x00001002 Device Device ID : 0x000067DF Device Video Mem : 4039 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 8165 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 3840x2160 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 3840x2160 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: Active GPU has HAGS disabled 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: Using realtime GPU priority 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: Desktop resolution 3840x2160: Info: Desktop format DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: Info: Display refresh rate 59.9401Hz: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps]

Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: SDR color coding Rec. 601: Info: Color depth: 8-bit 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: Color range: JPEG: Error: [h264_amf @ 0000018b0c031e00] encoder->Init() failed with error 3 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Error: Could not open codec [h264_amf]: Internal bug, should not have happened 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: Encoder [amdvce] failed 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: Trying encoder [software]

Device Description : Radeon RX 580 Series Device Vendor ID : 0x00001002 Device Device ID : 0x000067DF Device Video Mem : 4039 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 8165 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 3840x2160 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 3840x2160 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: Active GPU has HAGS disabled 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: Using realtime GPU priority 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: Desktop resolution 3840x2160: Info: Desktop format DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: Info: Display refresh rate 59.9401Hz: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps]

Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits

Device Description : Radeon RX 580 Series Device Vendor ID : 0x00001002 Device Device ID : 0x000067DF Device Video Mem : 4039 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 8165 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 3840x2160 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 3840x2160 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: Active GPU has HAGS disabled 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: Using realtime GPU priority 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: Desktop resolution 3840x2160: Info: Desktop format DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: Info: Display refresh rate 59.9401Hz: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps]

Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: SDR color coding Rec. 601: Info: Color depth: 8-bit 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: Color range: JPEG: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b0c033400] using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 SSE4.2 AVX 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b0c033400] profile High, level 4.2, 4:2:0, 8-bit 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b0c033400] frame I:1 Avg QP: 6.01 size: 1174 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b0c033400] mb I I16..4: 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b0c033400] 8x8 transform intra:0.0% 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b0c033400] coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b0c033400] i16 v,h,dc,p: 99% 0% 1% 0% 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b0c033400] i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b0c033400] i8c dc,h,v,p: 100% 0% 0% 0% 2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b0c033400] kb/s:563.52

2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: // Ignore any errors mentioned above, they are not relevant. //

2024:02:20:12:32:39: Info: Found H.264 encoder: libx264 software: Info: Configuration UI available at [https://localhost:47990] [2024:02:20:12:32:40]: Info: Registered Sunshine mDNS service [2024:02:20:12:32:42]: Info: Completed UPnP port mappings to via 2024:02:20:12:33:07: Info: // Testing for available encoders, this may generate errors. You can safely ignore those errors. // 2024:02:20:12:33:07: Info: Trying encoder [nvenc]

Device Description : Radeon RX 580 Series Device Vendor ID : 0x00001002 Device Device ID : 0x000067DF Device Video Mem : 4039 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 8165 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 3840x2160 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 3840x2160 2024:02:20:12:33:07: Info: Active GPU has HAGS disabled 2024:02:20:12:33:07: Info: Using realtime GPU priority 2024:02:20:12:33:07: Info: Desktop resolution 3840x2160: Info: Desktop format DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: Info: Display refresh rate 59.9401Hz: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps]

Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits 2024:02:20:12:33:07: Info: Encoder [nvenc] is not supported on this GPU 2024:02:20:12:33:07: Info: Trying encoder [quicksync]

Device Description : Radeon RX 580 Series Device Vendor ID : 0x00001002 Device Device ID : 0x000067DF Device Video Mem : 4039 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 8165 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 3840x2160 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 3840x2160 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Active GPU has HAGS disabled 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Using realtime GPU priority 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Desktop resolution 3840x2160: Info: Desktop format DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: Info: Display refresh rate 59.9401Hz: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps]

Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Encoder [quicksync] is not supported on this GPU 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Trying encoder [amdvce]

Device Description : Radeon RX 580 Series Device Vendor ID : 0x00001002 Device Device ID : 0x000067DF Device Video Mem : 4039 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 8165 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 3840x2160 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 3840x2160 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Active GPU has HAGS disabled 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Using realtime GPU priority 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Desktop resolution 3840x2160: Info: Desktop format DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: Info: Display refresh rate 59.9401Hz: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps]

Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits

Device Description : Radeon RX 580 Series Device Vendor ID : 0x00001002 Device Device ID : 0x000067DF Device Video Mem : 4039 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 8165 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 3840x2160 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 3840x2160 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Active GPU has HAGS disabled 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Using realtime GPU priority 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Desktop resolution 3840x2160: Info: Desktop format DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: Info: Display refresh rate 59.9401Hz: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps]

Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: SDR color coding Rec. 601: Info: Color depth: 8-bit 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Color range: JPEG: Error: [h264_amf @ 0000018b11adb940] encoder->Init() failed with error 3 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Error: Could not open codec [h264_amf]: Internal bug, should not have happened

Device Description : Radeon RX 580 Series Device Vendor ID : 0x00001002 Device Device ID : 0x000067DF Device Video Mem : 4039 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 8165 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 3840x2160 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 3840x2160 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Active GPU has HAGS disabled 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Using realtime GPU priority 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Desktop resolution 3840x2160: Info: Desktop format DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: Info: Display refresh rate 59.9401Hz: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps]

Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: SDR color coding Rec. 601: Info: Color depth: 8-bit 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Color range: JPEG: Error: [h264_amf @ 0000018b11adb940] encoder->Init() failed with error 3 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Error: Could not open codec [h264_amf]: Internal bug, should not have happened 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Encoder [amdvce] failed 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Trying encoder [software]

Device Description : Radeon RX 580 Series Device Vendor ID : 0x00001002 Device Device ID : 0x000067DF Device Video Mem : 4039 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 8165 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 3840x2160 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 3840x2160 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Active GPU has HAGS disabled 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Using realtime GPU priority 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Desktop resolution 3840x2160: Info: Desktop format DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: Info: Display refresh rate 59.9401Hz: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps]

Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits

Device Description : Radeon RX 580 Series Device Vendor ID : 0x00001002 Device Device ID : 0x000067DF Device Video Mem : 4039 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 8165 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 3840x2160 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 3840x2160 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Active GPU has HAGS disabled 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Using realtime GPU priority 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Desktop resolution 3840x2160: Info: Desktop format DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: Info: Display refresh rate 59.9401Hz: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps]

Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.149414,0.0595703] White Point : [0.3125,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: SDR color coding Rec. 601: Info: Color depth: 8-bit 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Color range: JPEG: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b11a8d5c0] using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 SSE4.2 AVX 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b11a8d5c0] profile High, level 4.2, 4:2:0, 8-bit 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b11a8d5c0] frame I:1 Avg QP: 6.01 size: 1174 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b11a8d5c0] mb I I16..4: 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b11a8d5c0] 8x8 transform intra:0.0% 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b11a8d5c0] coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b11a8d5c0] i16 v,h,dc,p: 99% 0% 1% 0% 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b11a8d5c0] i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b11a8d5c0] i8c dc,h,v,p: 100% 0% 0% 0% 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: [libx264 @ 0000018b11a8d5c0] kb/s:563.52

2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: // Ignore any errors mentioned above, they are not relevant. //

2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Found H.264 encoder: libx264 software: Info: Executing Do Cmd: cmd /C c:\sunshine\QRes.exe /X:3840 /Y:2160: Info: cmd /C c:\sunshine\QRes.exe /X:3840 /Y:2160 running with PID 9652 2024:02:20:12:33:08: Info: Executing [Desktop] [2024:02:20:12:33:09]: Info: nvprefs: NvAPI_Initialize() failed, ignore if you don't have NVIDIA video card [2024:02:20:12:33:09]: Info: CLIENT CONNECTED [2024:02:20:12:33:19]: Error: Initial Ping Timeout [2024:02:20:12:33:42]: Info: Opening UI from system tray [2024:02:20:12:33:42]: Info: cmd /C "start https://localhost:47990" running with PID 9624 [2024:02:20:12:33:42]: Info: Opened url [https://localhost:47990]`

Above logs were when connecting using HDMI Dummy and Monitor Duplicated, Dummy as Primary Display, No Super res or GPU scaling in AMD Adrenalin, 3840x2160 resolution

OneLiberty commented 6 months ago

Moonlight seems ok, issue is most likely on sunshine.

I see that amf encoder crashes, this might be somewhere to look. Could you try setting it to lowlatency instead of ultralowlatency ? (in sunshine settings) Also, try to force HEVC (both on moonlight and sunshine if possible)

Finally, i'll suggest trying the nightly of sunshine, this might help.

Keep us informed !

Spruitje commented 6 months ago

Moonlight seems ok, issue is most likely on sunshine.

I see that amf encoder crashes, this might be somewhere to look. Could you try setting it to lowlatency instead of ultralowlatency ? (in sunshine settings) Also, try to force HEVC (both on moonlight and sunshine if possible)

Finally, i'll suggest trying the nightly of sunshine, this might help.

Keep us informed !

You sir deserve a medal! This was doing my head in for literal days and doing the following tweak made it work instantly!

Moonlight was already set to HVEC, so no changes there I was unsure where to force HVEC in sunshine so no changes there too but changing from ultralow to low latency did the trick!

I will try the nightly version to see if there are any improvements but so far it finally works!

Thanks a lot!

Spruitje commented 6 months ago

Windows 10 22h2 AMD radeon 580gx 4gb Moonlight Tizen on Samsung ua65au7000kxxd Sunshine 0.21.0

Issue: Could not stream higher than 1080p no matter the host resolution (neither custom resolutions, virtual display drivers, HDMI dummy or just on GPU)

Solution: in Sunshine -> Configuration -> AMD AMF Encoder -> AMF Usage : Changed Ultralow latency to Low latency

[EDIT:] UPDATE: Updating Sunshine to the current nightly build (v. 0.21.0.d1a635809ac8cf7b16913479648d067159119e97) seems to have fixed the AMF encoder crashing, and now it works too with the setting back to Ultralow Latency