OneMillionDevs / bounties

Bounties for One Million Developers
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1 ETH for the Top 3 One Million Developers at Gitcoin Community Call #4

Open kamescg opened 4 years ago

kamescg commented 4 years ago

User Story

As a One Million Developers Steward I am really excited to see and hear all of the ideas people have to help achieve the audacious goal of 1,000,000 developers by the end of 2020. During the next Gitcoin Community call, January 24th, 12:00pm EST the theme is "Pitch Your #OneMillionDeveloper Idea"


The top 3 BIG Ideas will split a 1 ETH reward.

1) 0.5 ETH 2) 0.30 ETH 2) 0.20 ETH

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 1.0 ETH (139.23 USD @ $139.23/ETH) attached to it as part of the OneMillionDevs fund.

AlexMasmej commented 4 years ago

Gitcoin / Bounties Network incentivization scheme, CLR style

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 1 week, 3 days ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) vporton has started work.

Add at GitHub, BitBucket, and GitLab "ads" of GitCoin.

The ads would be posted by our CI (which we will promote to install by the maintainers):

Also, the CI should advertise itself to go viral. 2) jpaulet has started work.

Will start thinking about it, I have some ideas 3) stevecalavera has started work.

An app to educate children about finances and how to be their own bank, what responsibilities it entails and what benefits.

All while having fun playing.

Children could be rewarded in tokens for their homework, classroom interventions, homework or ideas

Once you are ready to obtain licenses for public and private educational institutions to acquire. 4) dannielboy58 has started work.

Education is the only answer both for aspiring devs and non-devs in the ethereum ecosystem... They need to know the difference between bitcoin and blockchain 5) datakarima has started work.

I already started work, just recording info here as it was originally coded on the gitcoin bounty 6) ekram-syed has started work.

I'll share my idea to quickly onboard one million developers on Gitcoin 7) oussema has started work.

I'll explain my idea in the final work that I'll submit 8) anneconnelly has started work.

Trust is a graphic novel that shares the transformative power of blockchain. It tells the story of a young Kenyan woman who learns about blockchain and uses it to transform her community. The project is a joint initiative between Canadian blockchain educator and investor, Anne Connelly, and Kenyan artist and storyteller, Chief Nyamweya.

The goal of the project is to grow the blockchain community in the locations where people’s lives will be most transformed by the impact - in developing countries. By telling a story that is culturally relevant, we can help them see a future that is free from the issues they experience in their daily lives like fraud, corruption and inflation. But we will also be providing them with the tools to create that future. The book will directly cover the basics, but it will also link to online blogs and other learning resources to help readers take the next step to becoming crypto owners, developers, and entrepreneurs. We're also going to incorporate the crypto community into the story as much as possible, linking the main character to local crypto meetups and even hiding bitcoin in the art. We want to inspire the next generation of Africans to build with blockchain and welcome them into our community.

We believe that the best way to grow Ethereum is to increase the number and the diversity of people building it. To achieve this, we will distribute an open-access, mobile-first digital version through tech and education networks.

Our goal is to reach over 1 million African youth. 9) bild96 has started work.

Establish an ( Educational awareness ) Dapp with quizzes about the risk and the harmful actions by humans which effect the plant. By the end of the quiz, It will be follow with a survey and suggestion how to protract our plant, and a donation option for earth protection campaign and support environment protection.

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

daaain commented 4 years ago
  1. Use a starter funding pot to offer smaller bounties on popular, but understaffed projects – maybe nominated by the Gitcoin community
  2. Make it easy for developers to pay forward micropayments as bounties themselves (ie no faffing around with wallets, gas fee, etc)
  3. Airdrop small amounts of coins every now and then to all Gitcoin members, but make the last $5-10 or so worth of coins locked from withdrawal so it can only be given away as bounty
  4. Create an incentive system which gives developers bonuses for desirable behaviour like contributing to new projects, writing documentation, etc (somewhat similar to StackOverflow reputation system)
triteanderivative commented 4 years ago


DistributedDoge commented 4 years ago

Personalized matchmaking service for linking newcomers/new developers with existing projects.

  1. Newcomers would contact 1Million devs telling a bit about skills + interests they have. (Call to action on relevant websites?)
  2. 1Million devs would shortlist relevant projects in Ethereum ecosystem (that have room for new contributors) and present them to newcomer. (we could use opt-in directory of such projects, think "State of Dapps" but for organizations or "Consensys Mesh", but more like "Ecosystem Mesh")
  3. If newcomer likes any of the proposals, 1Million devs would (when possible) personally introduce newcomer to the project. Some sort of JOB/ONE-TIME-BOUNTY/VOLOUNTEER distinction would be useful here so project and newcomer have matching expectations.

For this to work well, 1Million Devs would need a team with broad knowledge of ecosystem projects, not just the most popular ones or else it would devolve to "Check job board to see if you like something" and won't be of much help to anyone.

*For extra credit, 1Million devs could also advise on grants and funding options in cryptocurrency space for those who don't want to join, but would rather build something new from scratch. There are quite a few grant programs, but not everyone is aware of more obscure ones or knows how to approach e.g. MetaCartel for funding.

To an extent, process could be automated, but the more personal touch the better. It probably won't scale, but the idea is not to go for quantity, but rather to accommodate those individuals that are "on the verge of joining" they know they want to do something, but either can't find a relevant organization on their own or maybe lack confidence to apply for some opportunities by themselves.

AnneConnelly commented 4 years ago

A Graphic Novel about Blockchain - Use Storytelling to Inspire the Next Generation of Dvelopers

Trust is a graphic novel that tells the story of a young Kenyan woman who learns about blockchain and uses it to transform her community. The goal of the project is to grow the global blockchain community in the locations where people’s lives will be most transformed by the impact - in developing countries. By telling a story that is culturally relevant, we can help our readers see a future that is free from the issues they experience in their daily lives, while also providing them with the tools to create that future. The book will directly cover the basics, but it will also link to online blogs and other learning resources to help readers take the next step to becoming crypto users, entrepreneurs, and developers. We want to inspire the next generation of Africans to build with blockchain and be an integral part of the community.

We believe that the best way to build the best blockchain ecosystem possible and grow the community is to increase the number and the diversity of people building it. To achieve this, we will distribute an open-access, mobile-first digital version through key partnerships with tech and education networks.

Our goal is to reach over 1 million African youth.

The team includes graphic novelist and storyteller Chief Nyamweya of Kenya, and blockchain educator and investor, Anne Connelly of Canada. To date, we have created the first chapter, mapped out the characters and storyline, secured a publisher and begun making key partnerships in the space to support the distribution of the book.

To ensure free access for youth across the continent, we are seeking $58K total in funding for a six month project. Funding will support the artist's salary, partnership development, and the creation of the digital booksite.

arsena21 commented 4 years ago

Gamify the quest to reach 1MDevs via a DAO. 1) let the community curate a list of all projects people can work on 2) let people claim points for any work they are doing which relates to 1MDevs. In this way, anything can be incentivized really: you could write a book, or mentor people, or run an event, or just build something cool. It's really up to us. Could also run competitions, and have activities and bounties associated with all the projects from 1) 3) let people spend those points on NFTs (like NFTs redeemable for sponsor prizes, like tickets to events, or some kind of gamified character NFTs that you can accumulate over time) 4) Build in strong incentives for things that are really needed to reach 1Mdevs: -onboarding, -mentoring, -cool projects that people can get involved with, etc.

Here are some ideas a bit more flushed out:

datakarima commented 4 years ago

Black History Month Campaign - Geared toward #BlackTechTwitter

Weekly Intro to Blockchain Webinars w/ Demo of Cool Blockchain Project at the end. (Gitcoin/ Sablier, ect)

Key Result: 500 Self Identified Developers signing up to webinars.

abitrolly commented 4 years ago

The only way to attract One Million Developers is to allow them to earn more than 1 ETH each.

kamescg commented 4 years ago

Thank you @AlexMasmej @AnneConnelly @DistributedDoge @arsena21 and @datakarima for the great submissions!

Please remember to add your work to the Gitcoin bounty, so when the winners are chosen (this week) we can send the payouts as quickly as possible!

kamescg commented 4 years ago

You are 100% correct @abitrolly - hopefully through our efforts more jobs can be created and career opportunities will be opened up for more people around the world.

Additionally, we are working hard to find creative ways we can increase our funding pool, so we have more incentives to onboard people into the Ethereum ecosystem.

Donations: 0x1cc1C78bcfA5e872cCEBa516Ef821E30A280A9bB

abitrolly commented 4 years ago

You are 100% correct @abitrolly - hopefully through our efforts more jobs can be created and career opportunities will be opened up for more people around the world.

I don't think hope is the right solution. It should be economics engineering. Something along but with more calculative experiments.

theCydonian commented 4 years ago

User Story

As a One Million Developers Steward I am really excited to see and hear all of the ideas people have to help achieve the audacious goal of 1,000,000 developers by the end of 2020. During the next Gitcoin Community call, January 24th, 12:00pm EST the theme is "Pitch Your #OneMillionDeveloper Idea"


The top 3 BIG Ideas will split a 1 ETH reward.

1. 0.5 ETH

2. 0.30 ETH

3. 0.20 ETH

In order to attract more developers to the platform, it is imperative to incentivize collaboration and interpersonal promotion of the platform. In order to achieve this goal, we should take the following actions:

  1. Increase reward for having more people on a project. For example, the per person reward could be given by a function R(n)=T/n*m^n where n is the number of contributors, T is the initial total reward, and m is the multiplier. This way, collaboration will lower the work to reward ratio for contributors, and collaboration and expansion will be therefore incentivized.
  2. Create a field where a new contributor can input who referred them to the platform. If someone has brought many active developers to the platform, a multiplier will be added to their reward. This multiplier should be influenced by the activity of the referred developers, so the system cannot be "cheated."

Also, this is my submission for the competition. I think I might have messed up how I submitted this as I am still relatively new to the platform. If this is not how you wanted the submission, please feel free to let me know how I should fix it. I would gladly pay transaction fees to resubmit if this format is unsuitable.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

⚡️ A tip worth 0.30000 ETH (71.6 USD @ $238.67/ETH) has been granted to @datakarima for this issue from @KamesCG. ⚡️

Nice work @datakarima! Your tip has automatically been deposited in the ETH address we have on file.