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[Conversation] Optimal Location to Host User Research Forms & Questionnaires #7

Open kamescg opened 4 years ago

kamescg commented 4 years ago


Discuss the optimal locations for user research forms and questionnaires.



The 1MillionDevs movement will be migrating towards a data driven strategy. We are focused on better understanding the people, developers and users of Ethereum. As we continue to expand the conversation it's important to easily get user feedback.

kamescg commented 4 years ago

My personal opinion is we should use the sub-domain.

I think a standalone website catering to user research and general ecosystem feedback will be more easily maintained and accessible to contributors. As we continue to expand our focus around "experiments" and validating "hypothesis" it will be important to have a simple user experience for collecting feedback from the community.

Proposed Steps

Version 0.0

Version 1.0

Version 2.0
