OneOfEleven / uv-k5-firmware-custom

A customized version of
Apache License 2.0
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Good to see You Back #156

Closed lohtse closed 10 months ago

lohtse commented 11 months ago

Good to see you back

And don't ever worry 99.9% would not blame you for issues when flashing as we all make proper back ups etc.. And we accept errors can happen when building FW's

as to the compiling there is a minor issue but I am sure you will resolve it once you have sort things out fully

As always THANK YOU so much for the DAMN hard work you put in on a £15 radio... What you have done has been quite frankly, amazing and the vast majority are as grateful as hell too you for it.

regards Lohtse

egzumer commented 11 months ago

Yes, thank you for your hard work, errors happen, don't worry about that. The software is provided as is, no money exchanged.

Although I would recommend using main, devel, and maybe feature branches. main - somewhat stable version, completed features devel - work in progress feature branch - separate branch for certain feature in progress.

This is not a github thing so you don't have to get friends with it :)

OneOfEleven commented 11 months ago

Thank you.

I hid the repo last night to try and keep the radio losses to a minimum, I needed to find the problem.

Solution to mishap I now have :)

lohtse commented 11 months ago

Thank you.

I hid the repo last night to try and keep the radio losses to a minimum, I needed to find the problem.

Solution to mishap I now have :)

Take your time to fix them... It is not like there are not other FW's too chose from...

And my apologies for the behaviour of a certain individual... He kicked up a fuss again on Telegram..

lohtse commented 11 months ago

Great work today...

Flashed 6 radios at least 3 times each and not one issue...

All seems as it should...

Thank you for everything you have done

OneOfEleven commented 11 months ago

You've been buying them all up then lol Anyway, you're welcome !

I've been taking it slow today, been doing a bit on the FM radio to make it nicer to use.

OneOfEleven commented 11 months ago

Had a look on youtube for K5 videos today, just seeing if anything new around, it's scary when you see your work being used else where around the world. All totally due to DualTachyon's amazing work though !

OneOfEleven commented 11 months ago

Although I would recommend using main, devel, and maybe feature branches. main - somewhat stable version, completed features devel - work in progress feature branch - separate branch for certain feature in progress.

This is not a github thing so you don't have to get friends with it :)


Do I somehow setup a 2nd branch to achieve that I wonder ? and then upload/commit to the devel twig rather than the main one, then on occasion, somehow copy that to the main branch if all is well ?

LZ2DMV commented 11 months ago

Do I somehow setup a 2nd branch to achieve that I wonder ? and then upload/commit to the devel twig rather than the main one, then on occasion, somehow copy that to the main branch if all is well ?

Yes, that is the general idea. You just create a new branch, say 'dev', commit the changes part of the development process there, and when you consider it to be stable enough, you do the "copy" to 'main'. In Git, the "copy" has two forms - merge and rebase, each one of them with its advantages and limitations. Here is some nicely structured information on the topic.

And here is how you create a branch using the GitHub web interface. After you sync your repository with whatever Git client you are using, the new branch must be there. If your client is a CLI one, after syncing with the remote repository (git pull), you can do git branch -a in the repository folder to list all your branches and do git checkout [branch_name] to switch to a branch.

Thank you very much for everything that you are doing for the community!

egzumer commented 11 months ago

To add to that, I recommend using Tortoise Git as a graphical interface for git, it makes following commits, merging and so on much easier for me.

OneOfEleven commented 11 months ago

I tried the github desktop app/software last night, with undesired consequences, it kindly shared some personal details without first asking me :(

I use tortoisegit (windows right click on folder) to upload commits to github - at the moment.

egzumer commented 11 months ago

You don't need github desktop I didn't even know it exists, everything you can do in the tortoise git, then you simply push the commits, branches and so on to the github repository.

Simplest instruction: To merge dev to main you switch to main and in the commit log click right on dev and hit Merge to main.

If you're not used to it there will be some challenges I'm sure. You have to play with it a little bit :)

OneOfEleven commented 11 months ago

Yes I did a full uninstall of github desktop after that.

If you see any new branches pop up, just ignore them for now, it'll only be me trying things out.

egzumer commented 11 months ago

I see only main and revert, they don't appear in github until you push them, so you can play with it all you want locally.

ea7hjb commented 11 months ago

As many did, I would to thank you for your time and effort.

We all understand (and the one who doesn't, too bad for him/her) we are doing what we shouldn't. And it's very fun. And comes with risk (that can be minimized if people do their homework, aka backups). And all of this is thank to you. Period.

lohtse commented 11 months ago

Had a look on youtube for K5 videos today, just seeing if anything new around, it's scary when you see your work being used else where around the world. All totally due to DualTachyon's amazing work though !

Just goes to show how insanely good your improvements are....

DualTachyon commented 11 months ago

I highly recommend "Sublime Merge" over "Tortoise GIT"... My experience with Tortoise is that it was designed to make lots of mistakes and accidents, and to commit too many changes that shouldn't happen. It has happened with GIT, it has happened with SVN, it will keep happening.

With SM, you can actually easily see what's changed locally and can cherry pick what to upload, down the the line (e.g. I wanna state THIS line only and not the 10 lines surrounding it, or just this function, or the entire file). The UI is fairly simple and not bloated. There are other similar GUI based apps that also work fine (Atlassian one used to be good, not sure now), but anything else over Tortoise please! :)

OneOfEleven commented 11 months ago

Now have sublime installed, looks nice. I'll see how it goes.

wrcrooks commented 11 months ago

Might I throw VSCode into the ring as a contender? I'm a huge fan of their Source Control integration. It's very useful/powerful, even for someone like me who doesn't quite understand how Git works :joy:

OneOfEleven commented 11 months ago

I still haven't managed to configure VSCode to work with the project yet :(

wrcrooks commented 11 months ago

I'm working with Linux but the concept should be the same. You do a "git clone" to a working directory on your computer and you open the "uv-k5-firmware-custom" directory with VSCode, then VSCode sees the ".git" folder and does the rest. You then find all your Git actions in the left vertical menu under "Source Control"

Hope that helps! Keep up the great work!