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Repo sync project very slow #18

Closed rancidfrog closed 7 years ago

rancidfrog commented 7 years ago

Following readme instructions:

Repo sync all code with default.xml
repo init -u git:// -b oneplus/QC8998_N_7.1 repo sync

repo sync is very slow compared to all other projects, i.e. aosp/custom roms, etc. Also, it is sycing many tags that are not needed.

Is there a way to sync only neeeded tags/branches?

randomhydrosol commented 7 years ago

Add --depth=1 to the end of the repo init command

rancidfrog commented 7 years ago

Thank you, after re-initing repo with --depth=1 and doing forall git clean and prune, now syncing is much quicker.

randomhydrosol commented 7 years ago

You can also use --no-tags and --no-clone-bundle though I'm not really sure how these work