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SSH to HTTPS for OnePlus 6 please..! #39

Closed Uvneshkumar closed 5 years ago

Uvneshkumar commented 5 years ago

Please change SSH to HTTPS for oneplus 6. It gives private key error and sadly I coudn't fix it.

randomhydrosol commented 5 years ago

Please read the README

Uvneshkumar commented 5 years ago

Couldn't understand ho to solve that issue. README has nothing related to that

randomhydrosol commented 5 years ago

It has everything you need. Read it

randomhydrosol commented 5 years ago

Make sure you're reading the README of the correct branch

Uvneshkumar commented 5 years ago

ANNOUNCEMENT When we launched the OnePlus 3, we started a very interesting tradition, Zero Day sources for our devices. Since then, every device has launched with them.

With the project treble in place, we think the AOSP(Qualcomm) device tree is not as useful or important as it used to be,

based on conversations we had with our dev community and the fact that we have only made few changes on AOSP(Qualcomm BSP) device tree, we will not be releasing AOSP device trees for future devices, the community can get the baseline from our device and get the source code from Qualcomm.

We always have had a great community of developers working on our devices, and we will continue providing support to our dev community, you can always get in touch with our team on GitHub

The kernel device-tree will be made available on GitHub and our Dev community working on one plus devices will have access on day one of the releases of the new devices.

Downloading the Source Repo sync all code with default.xml repo init -u git:// -b oneplus6/9.0.0 repo sync Root your device Pull all files from vendor partition After all files pulled, copy these files to vendor/oneplus/vendor.

This has no information about syncing through ssh in which i'm facing issue now

randomhydrosol commented 5 years ago

It says right there that you can go to Qualcomm to get the source

Uvneshkumar commented 5 years ago

It should be little more detailed, how to get it from Qualcomm.

randomhydrosol commented 5 years ago

randomhydrosol commented 5 years ago

Sync the correct tag for your device Sync the kernel source Then build

hacker2357 commented 5 years ago

<remote fetch="ssh://" name="grease" review=""/> is unavailable, it gives an error on platform/vendor/qcom-proprietary/telephony-fwk

poshul commented 5 years ago

@anupritaisno1 it sounds like what you are trying to say is that the caf remote should look something like:

<remote fetch="" name="caf" review=""/> <default remote="caf" revision="refs/heads/LA.UM.7.3.r1"/>

and all of the grease remote projects are unnecessary? Is that accurate?

aaronqiuchiu commented 5 years ago
