OnePlusOSS / android_kernel_oneplus_msm8998

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Removal of 4.5.11 commit? #13

Closed nathanchance closed 6 years ago

nathanchance commented 6 years ago

I don't know if you guys even check GitHub issues anymore but this is worth a shot. Why was the 4.5.11 commit removed from source via a force push?

Was there an issue with it? Did you just want to repush with the same commit but with 4.5.12 in the commit message?

Force pushing a public tree like this is a git cardinal sin; it gives us custom kernel developers zero context as to why this commit was removed. I ask two things from you for the future:

  1. Please consider reverting commits in the future if there is an issue with them (noting what the issue is in the commit message).
  2. Consider using a tagging system so that you can explicitly mark a commit as good for multiple OOS version (something like git tag -a "OOS-4.5.12" -m "Kernel source for OOS-4.5.12"). This would help eliminate issues such as #8.

@aaronqiuchiu @leonfish77101 @Kevin-Shan

nathanchance commented 6 years ago

And now there's a new commit that has the exact same diff as the removed commit... What in the world is going on lol?


aaronqiuchiu commented 6 years ago

The code has been updated for 4.5.12 Thanks

nathanchance commented 6 years ago

@aaronqiuchiu the response is much appreciated!