OnePlusOSS / android_kernel_oneplus_msm8998

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Respect the GNU GPLv2!! #8

Closed ErnyTech closed 6 years ago

ErnyTech commented 6 years ago

Linux is distributed under the GNU GPLv2 license, you can not distribute software without source! Oneplus have just violated the GNU GPLv2 with the distribution of Oxygen 4.5.6 and Oxygen 4.5.7! I will contact the copyright owner (Linus Torvalds) to report the repeated violation of the license by Oneplus

Thanks for the attention Ernesto Castellotti Italy

MasterDomino commented 6 years ago

get some help

Orion116 commented 6 years ago

ErnyTech commented 6 years ago

Oh good! However shameful for the lack of upgrade to the source from 4.5.5 .

MasterDomino commented 6 years ago

4.5.5 was before this one and i guess changes from 4.5.6 are included in current iteration, soo stop spazing geez...