OneSignal / OneSignal-Cordova-SDK

OneSignal is a free push notification service for mobile apps. This plugin makes it easy to integrate your Ionic, PhoneGap CLI, PhoneGap Build, Cordova, or Sencha Touch app with OneSignal. Supports Android, iOS, and Amazon's Fire OS platforms.
250 stars 197 forks source link

latest version crash apps in Android 6, when sending a In-App in mode 'fullscreen' #634

Closed pedrofurtado closed 4 years ago

pedrofurtado commented 4 years ago

With the latest version of plugin, when I send a In-App with 'fullscreen' layout, the app crashs (appears the message "the app stopped" provided by Android) and the adb logcat is similar to this:

The error only occurs when i have the following combination: -Latest version of plugin -Android 6 -In-App with 'fullscreen' message type

04-28 11:09:26.811 20457 20457 W hwuiTask1: type=1400 audit(0.0:489): avc: denied { search } for uid=10254 name="battery" dev="sysfs" ino=26781 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_battery_supply:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0

04-28 11:09:26.957 20292 20457 F libc    : Fatal signal 7 (SIGBUS), code 1, fault addr 0xe2 in tid 20457 (hwuiTask1)
04-28 11:09:27.000 20292 20310 W FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'FirebaseRemoteConfigValue' exists for parameter key 'fpr_session_max_duration_min'.
04-28 11:09:27.000 20292 20396 D FirebasePerformance: Fetched value: true for key: fpr_enabled from firebase remote config.

04-28 11:09:27.000 20292 20396 D FirebasePerformance: Fetched value: true for key: fpr_enabled from firebase remote config.

04-28 11:09:27.064   466   466 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-28 11:09:27.065   466   466 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint: 'motorola/victara_retbr/victara:6.0/MPES24.49-18-7/7:user/release-keys'
04-28 11:09:27.065   466   466 F DEBUG   : Revision: 'p2bf'
04-28 11:09:27.066   466   466 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'arm'
04-28 11:09:27.067   466   466 F DEBUG   : pid: 20292, tid: 20457, name: hwuiTask1  >>> <<<
04-28 11:09:27.069   466   466 F DEBUG   : signal 7 (SIGBUS), code 1 (BUS_ADRALN), fault addr 0xe2
04-28 11:09:27.071   466   466 W debuggerd: type=1400 audit(0.0:490): avc: denied { search } for uid=0 name="" dev="mmcblk0p39" ino=301 scontext=u:r:debuggerd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir permissive=0
04-28 11:09:27.081   466   466 W debuggerd: type=1400 audit(0.0:491): avc: denied { search } for uid=0 name="" dev="mmcblk0p39" ino=301 scontext=u:r:debuggerd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir permissive=0
04-28 11:09:27.111   466   466 F DEBUG   :     r0 00000027  r1 000000e5  r2 00000002  r3 000000e6
04-28 11:09:27.111   466   466 F DEBUG   :     r4 00000026  r5 00000102  r6 00000001  r7 97351ce8
04-28 11:09:27.111   466   466 F DEBUG   :     r8 00000025  r9 97351068  sl 97352070  fp 000000de
04-28 11:09:27.111   466   466 F DEBUG   :     ip 97351e6c  sp 000000e3  lr 0000001f  pc b5e0a3f0  cpsr 000f0030
04-28 11:09:27.113   466   466 F DEBUG   :
04-28 11:09:27.113   466   466 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
04-28 11:09:27.113   466   466 F DEBUG   :     #00 pc 0005a3f0  /system/lib/
04-28 11:09:27.113   466   466 F DEBUG   :     #01 pc 0000000d  <unknown>
04-28 11:09:28.643  1857 20461 W ActivityManager:   Force finishing activity
04-28 11:09:28.643   466   466 F DEBUG   :
04-28 11:09:28.643   466   466 F DEBUG   : Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_09
04-28 11:09:28.643   466   466 E DEBUG   : AM write failed: Broken pipe
04-28 11:09:28.644  1857  1876 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_09 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
04-28 11:09:28.689  1857  3105 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true
04-28 11:09:28.727  1857  4460 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic_AU_msm8974_LA.BF.1.1.3_RB1__release_AU (I3193f6e94a)
04-28 11:09:28.727  1857  4460 I Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: E031.28.00.02
04-28 11:09:28.727  1857  4460 I Adreno-EGL: Build Date: 10/09/15 Fri
04-28 11:09:28.727  1857  4460 I Adreno-EGL: Local Branch: mybranch15039904
04-28 11:09:28.727  1857  4460 I Adreno-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.2
04-28 11:09:28.727  1857  4460 I Adreno-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
04-28 11:09:28.727  1857  4460 I Adreno-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING
04-28 11:09:28.727  1857  4460 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
04-28 11:09:28.781  1857  2405 W InputDispatcher: channel 'd60de55 (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.  events=0x9
04-28 11:09:28.781  1857  2405 E InputDispatcher: channel 'd60de55 (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
04-28 11:09:28.782  1857  3070 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ id=97, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@355cf0b)
04-28 11:09:28.783  1857  2419 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest NetworkRequest [ id=97, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
04-28 11:09:28.784  1857  2533 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true
04-28 11:09:28.784  1857  2559 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ id=98, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@e20b1e8)
04-28 11:09:28.784  1857  2419 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ id=97, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
04-28 11:09:28.784  1857  2419 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest NetworkRequest [ id=98, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
04-28 11:09:28.784  1857  3060 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 4
04-28 11:09:28.786  1857  2419 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ id=98, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
04-28 11:09:28.786  1857  2506 I WindowState: WIN DEATH: Window{d60de55 u0}
04-28 11:09:28.786  1857  2506 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel 'd60de55 (server)'
04-28 11:09:28.787  1857  3673 I WindowState: WIN DEATH: Window{17e966e u0 PopupWindow:1322624}
04-28 11:09:28.796  1857  1866 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 31107(1943KB) AllocSpace objects, 7(2MB) LOS
objects, 29% free, 38MB/54MB, paused 12.868ms total 131.823ms
04-28 11:09:28.813   483   483 I Zygote  : Process 20292 exited due to signal (7)
04-28 11:09:28.822  1857  3087 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 20292) has died
04-28 11:09:28.825  1857  3087 I ActivityManager: moveHomeStack, setupComplete:true
04-28 11:09:28.872  3546  3871 W SessionLifecycleManager: Handover failed. Creating new session controller.
04-28 11:09:28.877  3546  3871 E PBSessionCacheImpl: sessionId[15597061008721242] not persisted.
04-28 11:09:28.880  3546 18068 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[15597061008721242] from persistence.
04-28 11:09:28.885  3546  3856 V ConnectivityManager: isActiveNetworkMetered() returns:true
04-28 11:09:28.894  3546  3852 V ConnectivityManager: isActiveNetworkMetered() returns:true
04-28 11:09:28.905  3546  3871 I MicroDetectionState: Should stop hotword detection immediately - false
04-28 11:09:28.914  3546  3871 I MicroDetectionWorker: #startMicroDetector [speakerMode: 0]
04-28 11:09:28.918  3546  3846 I MicroDataManager: isInitializing-false locale not changed-true model not changed-true
04-28 11:09:28.918  3546  3846 I MicroDataManager: Already initialized, obtaining the hotword data immediately.
04-28 11:09:28.924  3546 20287 I MicroRecognitionRunner: Starting detection.
04-28 11:09:28.924  3546 20287 I InputStreamUtils: Using micInputStream
04-28 11:09:28.925   469 20471 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xb792b068 ready to run
04-28 11:09:28.935  3546  3871 I MicroDetectionWorker: onReady
04-28 11:09:28.943   469 20471 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_device(0: none) in_snd_device(70: voice-rec-mic)
04-28 11:09:28.944   469 20471 D msm8974_platform: platform_send_audio_calibration: sending audio calibration for snd_device(70) acdb_id(62)
04-28 11:09:28.944   469 20471 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 62, path =  1
04-28 11:09:28.944   469 20471 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
04-28 11:09:28.944   469 20471 D         : ACDBFILE_MGR: CmnDevinfo for the devid 0000003E not found
04-28 11:09:28.944   469 20471 D         : ACDB_COMMAND: Failed to fetch the aud topo info for devid 0000003E
04-28 11:09:28.944   469 20471 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB get adm topology for acdb id = 62, returned = -8
04-28 11:09:28.944   469 20471 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
04-28 11:09:28.944   469 20471 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
04-28 11:09:28.944   469 20471 D         : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000003E
04-28 11:09:28.944   469 20471 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB audproc returned = -1
04-28 11:09:28.944   469 20471 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
04-28 11:09:28.944   469 20471 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
04-28 11:09:28.944   469 20471 D         : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000003E
04-28 11:09:28.944   469 20471 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -1
04-28 11:09:28.944   469 20471 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
04-28 11:09:28.944   469 20471 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
04-28 11:09:28.944   469 20471 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(70: voice-rec-mic)
04-28 11:09:28.949   469 20471 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply and update mixer path: audio-record
04-28 11:09:29.332  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator: Failed to dispatch window animation state change.
04-28 11:09:29.332  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator: android.os.DeadObjectException
04-28 11:09:29.332  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
04-28 11:09:29.332  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
04-28 11:09:29.332  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.view.IWindow$Stub$Proxy.onAnimationStopped(
04-28 11:09:29.332  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at
04-28 11:09:29.332  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at
04-28 11:09:29.332  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at
04-28 11:09:29.332  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at$1.doFrame(
04-28 11:09:29.332  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.view.Choreographer$
04-28 11:09:29.332  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(
04-28 11:09:29.332  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(
04-28 11:09:29.332  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.view.Choreographer$
04-28 11:09:29.332  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
04-28 11:09:29.332  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
04-28 11:09:29.332  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.os.Looper.loop(
04-28 11:09:29.332  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at
04-28 11:09:29.332  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at
04-28 11:09:29.333  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator: Failed to dispatch window animation state change.
04-28 11:09:29.333  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator: android.os.DeadObjectException
04-28 11:09:29.333  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
04-28 11:09:29.333  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
04-28 11:09:29.333  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.view.IWindow$Stub$Proxy.onAnimationStopped(
04-28 11:09:29.333  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at
04-28 11:09:29.333  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at
04-28 11:09:29.333  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at
04-28 11:09:29.333  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at$1.doFrame(
04-28 11:09:29.333  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.view.Choreographer$
04-28 11:09:29.333  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(
04-28 11:09:29.333  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(
04-28 11:09:29.333  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.view.Choreographer$
04-28 11:09:29.333  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
04-28 11:09:29.333  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
04-28 11:09:29.333  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at android.os.Looper.loop(
04-28 11:09:29.333  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at
04-28 11:09:29.333  1857  1878 W WindowAnimator:        at
04-28 11:09:29.374   351   351 I SFPerfTracer:      triggers: (rate: 30:4982) (compose: 0:1) (post: 0:2) (render: 0:82) (10:16618 frames)
04-28 11:09:29.374   351   351 D SFPerfTracer:        layers: (6:12) (FocusedStackFrame (0xb881b428): 0:248)* (DimLayer (0xb88313c0): 0:195) (StatusBar (0xb87fcfa8): 0:2195) ( (0xb8864d78): 0:98) (NavigationBar (0xb885f360): 0:1415) (DimLayer (0xb8851488): 0:15)* ( (0xb8872440): 11:98)* (PopupWindow:1322624 (0xb8841e58): 11:37)* (Application Error: (0xb883fcc8): 0:14) ( (0xb8839a70): 0:4)
04-28 11:09:29.421  3082  3652 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
04-28 11:09:31.368   478   636 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:batt_therm:36500 mC
04-28 11:09:31.399   478   637 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:chg_therm:34000 mC
04-28 11:09:34.293  5494  5494 D MobPowerReceiverDelegate: onReceive() called with: com.mobpower.sdk.probe
04-28 11:09:35.068   655   752 D TCMD    : NL - Read 56 bytes from update socket.
04-28 11:09:35.068   655   752 D TCMD    : NL - message type is RTM_NEWLINK
04-28 11:09:35.068   655   752 D TCMD    : Listening for incoming client connection request
04-28 11:09:41.373   478   636 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:batt_therm:36600 mC
04-28 11:09:41.403   478   637 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:chg_therm:34000 mC
04-28 11:09:44.296  5494  5494 D MobPowerReceiverDelegate: onReceive() called with: com.mobpower.sdk.probe
04-28 11:09:44.509  1857  2414 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "motorolasti"WPA_PSK with 2422
04-28 11:09:44.553   655   752 D TCMD    : NL - Read 56 bytes from update socket.
04-28 11:09:44.554   655   752 D TCMD    : NL - message type is RTM_NEWLINK
04-28 11:09:44.554   655   752 D TCMD    : Listening for incoming client connection request
pedrofurtado commented 4 years ago

rgomezp commented 4 years ago

Howdy, Thanks for your patience. This is a duplicate of

Please follow it there.