OneSignal / OneSignal-Flutter-SDK

OneSignal is a free push notification service for mobile apps. This plugin makes it easy to integrate your flutter app with OneSignal
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[Bug]: External Id not set when logging users [iOS] #759

Open cgmleadtech opened 9 months ago

cgmleadtech commented 9 months ago

What happened?

In iOS I'm logging a user with a certain Id and the external id is not being placed in OneSignal

Steps to reproduce?

1. Initialize and Login into OneSignal with any external Id
`await OneSignal.login('test_id');`
2. Retrieve the OneSignal ID and check if the external id used when logging in works
(it does not)

What did you expect to happen?

I would have expected the external id worked

OneSignal Flutter SDK version


Which platform(s) are affected?

Relevant log output

No response

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emawby commented 8 months ago

@cgmleadtech Thank you for reaching out! I am not able to reproduce this can you clarify what you mean by "it doesn't work"

cgmleadtech commented 8 months ago

Hi @emawby , so basically when I do the login with a revenuecat ID the external ID is not being set at all

await OneSignal.login(revenueCatUserID);

revenueCatUserID is not null, obviously hahaha

sharad-paghadal commented 8 months ago

I'm facing same issue. not setting external ID for both Android and iOS.

emawby commented 8 months ago

@sharad-paghadal Thank you for the log that is helpful. Unfortunately I am not able to reproduce this but I will keep investigating. Does your app have identity verification enabled?

sharad-paghadal commented 8 months ago

thank you @emawby , that was the issue. Just turned off identity verification and everything is working!!

cgmleadtech commented 8 months ago

@emawby I do not have identity verification enabled, and if I add as external id any kind of string, not just the revenuecatid, it does not work users still appears as:

Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 12 52 50
RicBau2610 commented 8 months ago

@emawby thank you for the tip! I have faced the same Problem, turned the identity verification to disable, with solved my issue. It's nice to see, that there are no hints on the documentation.

jmmdk commented 8 months ago

@cgmleadtech, it seems you're using both OneSignal and RevenueCat. So am I (for an unreleased Flutter app). But for the integration to work, according to RevenueCat's documentation, the app needs to send $onesignalId to RevenueCat's user attributes:


But I can't find a way to get the OneSignal ID in v.5.0.3.

Onesignal ID was previously available in v3.x.x but now only the subscription ID and the token are available from the property.

How can I get it?

How are you integrating OneSignal and RevenueCat if you're not using the OneSignal ID?

Thanks :)

cgutierr-zgz commented 8 months ago

@cgmleadtech, it seems you're using both OneSignal and RevenueCat. So am I (for an unreleased Flutter app). But for the integration to work, according to RevenueCat's documentation, the app needs to send $onesignalId to RevenueCat's user attributes:


But I can't find a way to get the OneSignal ID in v.5.0.3.

Onesignal ID was previously available in v3.x.x but now only the subscription ID and the token are available from the property.

How can I get it?

How are you integrating OneSignal and RevenueCat if you're not using the OneSignal ID?

Thanks :)

I think you can read the migration guide and that actually the push is what you are looking for but mayb I'm wrong

@emawby could you clarify this?

nan-li commented 8 months ago

Identity verification is not yet supported and still in development. @RicBau2610: you're right, this limitation should be clear in documentation. We will work on updating all our docs.

@jmmdk and @cgutierr-zgz: the OneSignal ID can be retrieved via our REST API or our Server SDKs using the

  1. View user endpoint
  2. View user identity endpoint
  3. View user identity (by subscription) endpoint

The OneSignal ID is different from the Push Subscription ID.

We see the need to be able to get the OneSignal ID from the SDK, and will be adding a getter.

nan-li commented 8 months ago

@cgmleadtech, I am also not able to reproduce. Is this is only happening on iOS?

  1. Is this consistent behavior or random?
  2. Is this on a new app install? This is the first time login is called?
  3. Can you turn on logging to VERBOSE with OneSignal.Debug.setLogLevel(LogLevel.Verbose) BEFORE you call OneSignal.initialize(APP_ID) and share logs from the time you call login?
jmmdk commented 8 months ago

@nan-li, thanks for your response.

However, I just got a response to my message to your support and they say that we should simply send RevenueCat the Subscription ID instead of the OneSignal ID (contrary to the RC docs).

So is support wrong and the docs are correct? If so, that means that we can't actually integrate with RC because you don't have a getter for that OneSignal ID? We don't use the REST API/server SDK. And if that's true, how fast can you add that getter? We really need that ASAP.

rignaneseleo commented 8 months ago

We see the need to be able to get the OneSignal ID from the SDK, and will be adding a getter.

Yeah I think you really just need a getter because I can already read the onesignalId from the debug prints so I guess it's there?

D/OneSignal(30889): [Thread-41] OperationRepo.enqueueAndWait(operation: {"name":"refresh-user","appId":"049c6e09-dea1-4649-84f9-c695a********","onesignalId":"a7ef6ff9-9b4b-4121-aa21-c0b7*******"}, force: true)

RogerBrusamarello commented 7 months ago

Any updates on this topic?

monkapepega commented 6 months ago

Hi, is there any update on the OneSignal ID getter?

trymersi commented 6 months ago

i think if you are all only want to get the Onesignal ID, you just use this

chaos128 commented 4 months ago

@nan-li @emawby

I was facing the same issue. in my case, my external ID (ex: 46644) has more than 200 subscriptions. I used rest api to set exteranl ID to subscription, the response says "meta":{"user_subscription_limit":200}}

but OneSignal.login(46644) with sdk didn't return any error message.

I deleted all subscriptions linked with my external ID then it works.

tamamura3 commented 2 weeks ago

In my case, OneSignal.login(; doesn't work on iOS, but OneSignal.login("${}"); works fine, and external_id is set correctly.

nan-li commented 2 weeks ago

Hi everyone, I apologize for the delayed response. If you are managing at the user-level rather than device-level (which is what the subscription ID effectively does), please use the OneSignal ID as the identifier.

The get method was added in Release 5.1.3.

nan-li commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @chaos128, the login method itself will not return an error, but logs should show the error response once the request is made to the OneSignal server.

Hi @tamamura3, the login method requires a string for the external ID passed in. It appears itself is not a string and needed to be stringified?