OneSignal / OneSignal-Flutter-SDK

OneSignal is a free push notification service for mobile apps. This plugin makes it easy to integrate your flutter app with OneSignal
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[Feedback]: #891

Open MajdSallora opened 1 month ago

MajdSallora commented 1 month ago

What's on your mind?

Hello some user in restricted country so one signal not working the problem is one i call it return empty string because the variable defined (String?) i thought it will return null and caused issue to me hope to fix it make it null

Code of Conduct

RuberDucky commented 1 month ago

Did you init the OneSignal Properly? and if yes, then try to put the id code in a function and then use that function in init of the page where you want to set the id

MajdSallora commented 1 month ago

Every thing work corrctly its not about init its about restricted country The main issue this Should return null not empty string "" in case there is error