Flutter latest SDK is not sharing the one signal id.
Giving result: {"name":"update-subscription","appId":"53203455-f710-45bb-bb7a-845743d34be1","onesignalId":"local-689b8849-56e5-4f67-973e-130969d50907","subscriptionId":"local-9a1132fc-b85d-499d-80df-11b6656e1fd0","type":"PUSH","enabled":false,"address":"eIDYUMifQaW3Q_GzzPeFlJ:APA91bGSzSHyVmy2yxxJ8zu9ju8PJwnPg6o5a0gMeGx_4ftOo2L_XGiya9ZX6tDaqXTuzqs8wRxtbc_IB6GxkhP9kJTYy1pKeSSFxh5PvlzjOVvIsOT_Vr2Lj71AaX4ZgkMmFbgoyDqH","status":"NO_PERMISSION","id":"f09473b6-2262-452a-b186-6c47c7dff8eb"}
Use Code to get the One Signal ID: await OneSignal.User.getOnesignalId();
In the previous day it's working fine, But now I'm not able to fetch the onesignalId and push notification is not woking and not found the subscriber on list. For the first time the If I'm installing the app ID is generated but in next time it's not sharing it's giving me null.
That's why the entire push flow has been break down.
What happened?
Flutter latest SDK is not sharing the one signal id. Giving result: {"name":"update-subscription","appId":"53203455-f710-45bb-bb7a-845743d34be1","onesignalId":"local-689b8849-56e5-4f67-973e-130969d50907","subscriptionId":"local-9a1132fc-b85d-499d-80df-11b6656e1fd0","type":"PUSH","enabled":false,"address":"eIDYUMifQaW3Q_GzzPeFlJ:APA91bGSzSHyVmy2yxxJ8zu9ju8PJwnPg6o5a0gMeGx_4ftOo2L_XGiya9ZX6tDaqXTuzqs8wRxtbc_IB6GxkhP9kJTYy1pKeSSFxh5PvlzjOVvIsOT_Vr2Lj71AaX4ZgkMmFbgoyDqH","status":"NO_PERMISSION","id":"f09473b6-2262-452a-b186-6c47c7dff8eb"} Use Code to get the One Signal ID: await OneSignal.User.getOnesignalId();
Steps to reproduce?
What did you expect to happen?
In the previous day it's working fine, But now I'm not able to fetch the onesignalId and push notification is not woking and not found the subscriber on list. For the first time the If I'm installing the app ID is generated but in next time it's not sharing it's giving me null. That's why the entire push flow has been break down.
OneSignal Flutter SDK version
Which platform(s) are affected?
Relevant log output
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