OneSignal / OneSignal-WordPress-Plugin

OneSignal is a free push notification service for web and mobile apps. This plugin makes it easy to integrate your website with OneSignal Push Notifications.
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Different URL for web/app #232

Closed monza258 closed 4 years ago

monza258 commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to include the option for different URL for web/app ? Deep link in iOS and Android.

rgomezp commented 4 years ago

Please see our documentation

monza258 commented 4 years ago

Is it possible the send the get_post_thumbnail in iOS Notifications?

Any Options to set this in "Sending Notifications To Both Web Browsers And Mobile Devices" Like this:

    add_filter('onesignal_send_notification', 'onesignal_send_notification_filter', 10, 4);
    function onesignal_send_notification_filter($fields, $new_status, $old_status, $post) {
        /* Goal: We don't want to modify the original $fields array, because we want the original web push notification to go out unmodified. However, we want to send an additional notification to Android and iOS devices with an additionalData property.
         *     */
        $fields_dup = $fields;
        $fields_dup['isAndroid'] = true;
        $fields_dup['isIos'] = true;
        $fields_dup['isAnyWeb'] = true;
        $fields_dup['isWP'] = false;
        $fields_dup['isAdm'] = false;
        $fields_dup['isChrome'] = false;
        $ImageId = get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID);
        $ImageSrc = wp_get_attachment_image_src($ImageId);
        $ImageUrl = $ImageSrc[0];

        // $fields_dup['android_channel_id'] = "<CHANNEL ID UUID HERE>";
         $fields_dup['data'] = array(
        "myappurl" => $fields['url'],
        "thumbnail_id" => $ImageId,
        "thumbnail_url" => $ImageUrl,
        /* Important to set web_url to support opening through both mobile and browser*/
        $fields_dup['web_url'] = $fields_dup['url'];
        /* Important to unset the URL to prevent opening the browser when the notification is clicked for mobile app users */

        $onesignal_post_url = "";
        /* Hopefully OneSignal::get_onesignal_settings(); can be called outside of the plugin */
        $onesignal_wp_settings = OneSignal::get_onesignal_settings();
        $onesignal_auth_key = $onesignal_wp_settings['app_rest_api_key'];
        $request = array("headers" => array("content-type" => "application/json;charset=utf-8", "Authorization" => "Basic " . $onesignal_auth_key), "body" => json_encode($fields_dup), "timeout" => 60);
        $response = wp_remote_post($onesignal_post_url, $request);
        if (is_wp_error($response) || !is_array($response) || !isset($response['body'])) {
            $status = $response->get_error_code();
            $error_message = $response->get_error_message();
            error_log("There was a " . $status . " error returned from OneSignal when sending to mobile users: " . $error_message);
        return $fields;