OneSignal / OneSignal-XCFramework

OneSignal is a free push notification service for mobile apps. This plugin makes it easy to integrate your native iOS app with OneSignal. This Repository hosts OneSignal's XCFramework to be used with Swift Package Manager
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Update package.swift for release 5.0.0 #66

Closed emawby closed 10 months ago

emawby commented 10 months ago

⚠️ This is a major release which contains breaking API changes.

In this major version release for the OneSignal iOS SDK, we are making a significant shift from a device-centered model to a user-centered model. A user-centered model allows for more powerful omni-channel integrations within the OneSignal platform.

For information please see the migration guide.

What's Changed Since beta 6

Push Subscription Update Fixes #1289 Session Influence Updates #1288 Handle errors for Creating a User #1290 Fix displaying multiple In App Messages for the same trigger #1294 Overhaul background tasks #1300

Full Changelog:

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