OneSignal / OneSignal-Xamarin-SDK

OneSignal is a free push notification service for mobile apps. This plugin makes it easy to integrate your Xamarin app with OneSignal.
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Release stable version OneSignal nuget targeting AndroidX without Android.Support #213

Closed PawKanarek closed 3 years ago

PawKanarek commented 3 years ago

Please release stable version Onesignal nuget package targeting AndroidX without Android.Supports library, because new apps targeting Google Play sSore written in Xamrin.Forms should only contain AndroidX dependencies.

jkasten2 commented 3 years ago

@PawKanarek We will be switching from the Android Support Library to AndroidX in the next major release (4.0.0).

In the meantime please include Xamarin.AndroidX.Migration if your project is using AndroidX.

Massimo37 commented 3 years ago

@jkasten2 is there a roadmap or approximate ETA on 4.0.0 ?

deepakthumbmunkeys commented 3 years ago

I also stuck with this, any news on this?

AmirImam commented 3 years ago

I have installed version 3.10.2, but notifications not showing. It returns "recipients": 1 from REST calling, and successfully sent from test, either on emulator or real device. Is that because that version doesn't support androidx ?

Jacko1394 commented 3 years ago

I'm stuck on this too, Android X been out all year but can't update because of this dependency issue. Unable to use OneSignal any longer because Google Play only accepts SDK 29 and higher now...

AmirImam commented 3 years ago

Now I am on version 3.10.3 with android 10 and still not working. No notifications show up. Please I want to know if my issue related to current issue

ndastur commented 3 years ago

Any news on this. Quite a critical issue now that Play Store reqiures a higher target build. Also been an issue on ONeSignal for a while now

jkasten2 commented 3 years ago

I believe adding Xamarin.AndroidX.Migration to your project should solve this issue in the short term.

For more details see the "Migration Tooling" section in this guide:

  1. If your application includes any dependencies that have not been migrated to the AndroidX namespace, you’ll have to use our handy-dandy Android Support Library to AndroidX Migration package.

If not please provide any details or errors you are getting after adding Xamarin.AndroidX.Migration to your project.

waseem852 commented 3 years ago

I believe adding Xamarin.AndroidX.Migration to your project should solve this issue in the short term.

For more details see the "Migration Tooling" section in this guide:

  1. If your application includes any dependencies that have not been migrated to the AndroidX namespace, you’ll have to use our handy-dandy Android Support Library to AndroidX Migration package.

If not please provide any details or errors you are getting after adding Xamarin.AndroidX.Migration to your project.

Can not resolve reference: Xamarin.Android.Support.Collections, referenced by Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Base. Please add a NuGet package or assembly reference for Xamarin.Android.Support.Collections, or remove the reference to Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Base

Redrawn2 commented 3 years ago

I have reached out to the support a month ago and this still hasn't been resolved. They said that they are aware of these threads, but nothing happened so far. Except for, and correct me if I'm wrong, but the native SDK seems to have already been updated to use AndroidX. But the Xamarin version is way behind.

I have clients waiting for an update, but this issue keeps me from even using the project solution right now. Does anyone have a workaround? A fork maybe?

EDIT: comma

tagathangelou commented 3 years ago

error build app after installing onesignal

Hi I have the same issue - My VS is fully updated, all nuget packages are fully updated to the most stable version and once i install the ONESIGNAL nuget package i get the following error when i try to build my solution:

Can not resolve reference: Xamarin.Android.Support.Collections, referenced by Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Base. Please add a NuGet package or assembly reference for Xamarin.Android.Support.Collections, or remove the reference to Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Base.

I send a message yesterday to support and still nobody answered me.

I suspect is something not compatible with API LEVEL 29 because i have a sample project using API LEVEL 28 and it works fine but with above that API LEVEL (28) is not working and the problem GOOGLE PLAY will not accept any APP below API LEVEL 29 so its mandadory to make it work above that:

The $(TargetFrameworkVersion) for myApp.Android (v9.0) is less than the minimum required $(TargetFrameworkVersion) for Xamarin.Forms (10.0). You need to increase the $(TargetFrameworkVersion) for myApp.Android.

My Target framework is 10.0 and my xamarin.forms nuget package is

target framework android

I tried as well to install Xamarin.AndroidX.Migration as recommended on some posts above but it crashes and does not allow you to install it.

Anyone found a solution for this... it looks i might start considering moving to another service since its the second day i am stuck but i really like how onesignal works and i spend some decent amount of time to setting it up and building my methods for android

thanks Tassos

jkasten2 commented 3 years ago

We just released Com.OneSignal 3.10.5 with dependency changes to resolve the AndroidX compatibility. Simply upgrade to this version and rebuild your project.