OneSignal / OneSignal-Xamarin-SDK

OneSignal is a free push notification service for mobile apps. This plugin makes it easy to integrate your Xamarin app with OneSignal.
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Push notification when app is in background start new app (only with Splash Activity as main launcher) ? #247

Closed Cvijo closed 2 years ago

Cvijo commented 2 years ago

Description: I am using Xamarin Forms and I setup my project according to your instructions and everything works fine, but if I got the notification and my app is not in focused (in the background) and when I click on notification new application is started instead to open an existing one. When I debug my app I got event fired "OnNotificationOpened" in xamarin shared but after that new application start to load and it crash the application

Environment I am using Com.OneSignal v 3.10.6 added thru nugget Xamarin Form v 5

Steps to Reproduce Issue:

  1. Add SDK
  2. Initialize SDK in shared solution
                .Settings(new Dictionary<string, bool>() {
                        { IOSSettings.kOSSettingsKeyAutoPrompt, false },
                        { IOSSettings.kOSSettingsKeyInAppLaunchURL, false } })
  3. and on Main Activity on Andriod
  4. Add SimpleInjector NuGet package and initialize it with a few Register methods

When I receive a push notification and my app is in the background I got event fired OnNotificationOpened but then it starts a new app from scratch showing a splash screen and then crashes because I use Dependency Injector (SimpleInjector) that has a static Container and it doesn't allow adding new registrations after you use first GetInstance. I am not sure but it seems like 2 instances of my App are running at the same time because all my initialization is starting all over again.

I am testing this on Android Emulator and i have splash activity as MainLauncher

jkasten2 commented 2 years ago

@Cvijo The 3.0.0-beta1 SDK is now live which should fix this double Android Activity issue you are running into. Check out the OneSignal Xamarin SDK Version 4 - Beta now available!#262 thread for more details.

Dipannita20 commented 2 years ago

With OneSignal SDK 3.10.6

Testing Steps:

  1. Clean, build the app Visual studio 2019 latest version 16.11.10
  2. Open the app and then close the app, then send push and check delivery status
  1. Open the app
  1. Close the app swipe away from background, not forced stopped

Repeated same test, same observation First time open and then close the app, not receiving push until unless reopen again.

I am on Pixel 3XL Android 12 Build detail: Project "Ambassador.Mobile.Android.csproj" (Install target(s)): Found Java SDK version 1.8.0. Found Java SDK version 1.8.0. Dex Fast Deployment Enabled: False MonoAndroid Tools: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android\ Android Platform API level: 30 TargetFrameworkVersion: v11.0 Android NDK: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk dk-bundle\ Android SDK: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\ Android SDK Build Tools: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\30.0.2\


App is in background, tapping on the push notification, app stuck on splash screen(inconsistent)

I am testing multiple rounds on actual project which has other 3rd party dependencies, out of which one dependency linked with OneSignal is Shiny. Shiny uses jobs which use Xamarin.AndroidX.Work.Runtime, for more details you can

With Xamarin SDK Version 4.0.0 - beta3, everything works fine, could not reproduce above issues. However noticed, tapping on notification when app is in closed state, app does not opens immediately, as if nothing has happened, then after few secs, splash screen shows up and then home screen of the app. This was not the case with 3.10.6 SDK, it was immediate. Is this expected? Tested on same device (Pixel 3XL Android 12), same setup except different OneSignal SDK.

One point to be mentioned here, project is having shiny dependency which was having conflict, I had mentioned Xamarin.AndroidX.Work.Runtime 2.7.0 directly to project Ambassador.Mobile.Android.

NU1107: Version conflict detected for Xamarin.AndroidX.Work.Runtime. Install/reference Xamarin.AndroidX.Work.Runtime 2.7.0 directly to project Ambassador.Mobile.Android to resolve this issue. 
 Ambassador.Mobile.Android -> Com.OneSignal 4.0.0-beta3 -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Work.Runtime (>= 2.7.0) 
 Ambassador.Mobile.Android -> Shiny.Jobs -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Work.Runtime (>= 2.5.0 && < 2.6.0).
Dipannita20 commented 2 years ago

@Cvijo any update on my above comment

However noticed, tapping on notification when app is in closed state, app does not opens immediately, as if nothing has happened, then after few secs, splash screen shows up and then home screen of the app. This was not the case with 3.10.6 SDK, it was immediate. Is this expected?

jkasten2 commented 2 years ago


Issue 1 - Xamarin.AndroidX.Work.Runtime 2.7.0

I can see from your log that Shiny.Jobs is requesting version >= 2.5.0 && < 2.6.0 but OneSignal is requesting >= 2.7.0. The solutions will be to add Xamarin.AndroidX.Work.Runtime 2.7.0 directly to your project (Ambassador.Mobile.Android) as the error recommends. Let us know if that doesn't work for your situation.

Issue 2 - Tapping on notification delay start

Could you provide a logcat with the slow startup issue? Please disable all filtering so we can see Android system entries as well. This way we can see how the Android system and handling the notification and where the biggest delays are.

Dipannita20 commented 2 years ago


Please find the video related to delay, for time being device screen is visible after few secs splash screen shows up.

Attached logcat, cleaned up previous logcat -> then sent push -> capture logcat to text file, let me know if you need any more information.


I have upgraded OneSginal Xamarin SDK to 4.0.0-beta 4 and Visual Studio to 2022, but confirming same issue was happening on Visual Studio 2019. Note that AndroidManifest android:targetSdkVersion is 30, testing on Pixel 3xl (Android 12) Its a Xamarin Forms app, MainActivity LaunchMode = LaunchMode.SingleInstance

Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 Version 17.1.1 VisualStudio.17.Release/17.1.1+32228.430 Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.8.04084

Installed Version: Professional

Azure App Service Tools v3.0.0 17.1.358.51495 Azure App Service Tools v3.0.0

C# Tools 4.1.0-5.22109.6+0c82c4114a4e4b8b723b915eee3b13261db6717f C# components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.

Common Azure Tools 1.10 Provides common services for use by Azure Mobile Services and Microsoft Azure Tools.

Extensibility Message Bus 1.2.6 (master@34d6af2) Provides common messaging-based MEF services for loosely coupled Visual Studio extension components communication and integration.

Microsoft JVM Debugger 1.0 Provides support for connecting the Visual Studio debugger to JDWP compatible Java Virtual Machines

Microsoft MI-Based Debugger 1.0 Provides support for connecting Visual Studio to MI compatible debuggers

Mono Debugging for Visual Studio 17.1.10 (65f98f5) Support for debugging Mono processes with Visual Studio.

NuGet Package Manager 6.1.0 NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio. For more information about NuGet, visit

Visual Basic Tools 4.1.0-5.22109.6+0c82c4114a4e4b8b723b915eee3b13261db6717f Visual Basic components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.

Visual F# Tools 17.1.0-beta.21610.4+07b5673e4f2fa7630e78abe37f16b372353a7242 Microsoft Visual F# Tools

Visual Studio Code Debug Adapter Host Package 1.0 Interop layer for hosting Visual Studio Code debug adapters in Visual Studio

Visual Studio IntelliCode 2.2 AI-assisted development for Visual Studio.

VisualStudio.DeviceLog 1.0 Information about my package

VisualStudio.Foo 1.0 Information about my package

VisualStudio.Mac 1.0 Mac Extension for Visual Studio

Xamarin (d17-1@3f96c58) Visual Studio extension to enable development for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android.

Xamarin Designer (remotes/origin/main@d50fb5635) Visual Studio extension to enable Xamarin Designer tools in Visual Studio.

Xamarin Templates 17.1.8 (590388a) Templates for building iOS, Android, and Windows apps with Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms.

Xamarin.Android SDK (d17-1/19b97b7) Xamarin.Android Reference Assemblies and MSBuild support. Mono: a5d1934 Java.Interop: xamarin/java.interop/d17-1@7ac33610 ProGuard: Guardsquare/proguard/v7.0.1@912d149 SQLite: xamarin/sqlite/3.37.1@0893b3b Xamarin.Android Tools: xamarin/xamarin-android-tools/d17-1@db125a7

Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Mac SDK (caa899d24) Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Mac Reference Assemblies and MSBuild support.

Dipannita20 commented 2 years ago

@jkasten2 any update on this? Will this be resolved in next Beta release?

Dipannita20 commented 2 years ago

@jkasten2 @tanaynigam

OneSginal Xamarin SDK to 4.0.0-beta 4 and Visual Studio to 2022 There are two blocker issues:

  1. tapping notification when app is in killed state app stuck at splash screen on 2nd push tap(consistent issue) and then ANR popup shows up "close the app/wait"
  2. It takes couple of secs to show up splash screen (already reported) logcat_output1.txt

In all the above cases MaiActivity LaunchMode set to LaunchMode.SingleTop Debug mode Test Device: Pixel 3XL (Android 12)

tanaynigam commented 2 years ago

@Cvijo @Dipannita20 It seems the issue no longer seems to exist in our latest release OneSignalSDK.Xamarin-4.0.0.

Please note that we have changed the package name and namespace for the SDK from Com.OneSignal to OneSignalSDK.Xamarin and would require you to remove the previous package name and add the new package name to import the SDK in your code.

Additionally, when searching for the package on, you will be required to search for OneSignalSDK.Xamarin to import the package

Closing the issue for now. Please re-open if the issue still exists