OneSignal / OneSignal-Xamarin-SDK

OneSignal is a free push notification service for mobile apps. This plugin makes it easy to integrate your Xamarin app with OneSignal.
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Unable to Compile and Test 4.2.0 Beta - MAUI #329

Closed excellapay closed 1 year ago

excellapay commented 1 year ago

In VS 2022 Preview on Mac and Windows (latest)

Description: Opening the project, I immediately get a few notices about the build settings on Windows. The panel where you set Debug / Release and All CPU. Then when trying to run, it is not happy with the Android Manifest.xml file. Looks like the the target and min versions are not right. I am unable to find a good combination.

(your description here)

Environment This is just a simple download of the 4.2.0-beta1-maui codeline and upzip it.

Issues on Mac are all related to the Android code but preventing the app from fully building. Has anyone had issue or success on this beta code?

fhboswell commented 1 year ago

@excellapay We are working on resolving issues with our MAUI support.

fhboswell commented 1 year ago

Hello @excellapay We now have MAUI / .Net 6 support. Please see our new Nuget.