OneSignal / OneSignal-Xamarin-SDK

OneSignal is a free push notification service for mobile apps. This plugin makes it easy to integrate your Xamarin app with OneSignal.
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[question]: What is the replacement API for IdsAvailable to retrieve the PlayerId in OneSignalSDK.Xamarin? #347

Closed matthewrdev closed 1 year ago

matthewrdev commented 1 year ago

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In order to comply with Googles minimum Android v31 targeting requirements, I am migrating a clients app's OneSignal SDK from the Com.OneSignal nuget package to the OneSignalSDK.Xamarin package.

In the previous SDK, there is the following method/callback:


private void IdsAvailable(string userID, string pushToken) {
     print("UserID:"  + userID);
     print("pushToken:" + pushToken);

However, in the new SDK, the OneSignal.Default instance does not have a matching method nor a GetPlayerId function (that I can see).

The SDK documentation still shows IdsAvailable as a usable method (referring to the old OneSignal.Current methodology) but does not show a replacement.

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jkasten2 commented 1 year ago

@matthewrdev Thanks for your question. Depending on your use-cases you may want to use OneSignal.Default.PushSubscriptionState.userId and / or PushSubscriptionStateChanged

matthewrdev commented 1 year ago

@jkasten2 Excellent, thanks for the quick answer!

This resolved the issue and I've successfully completed the migration.