OneSignal / OneSignal-Xamarin-SDK

OneSignal is a free push notification service for mobile apps. This plugin makes it easy to integrate your Xamarin app with OneSignal.
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[question]: Stuck at app login at Xamarin IOS #387

Open enkaradag opened 1 month ago

enkaradag commented 1 month ago

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I'm still using Xamarin (not moved to maui yet) Using OnesignalSDK.Xamarin 4.3.5

Here is what i do at App.xaml.cs initially

            OneSignal.Default.RequiresPrivacyConsent = true;
            OneSignal.Default.NotificationOpened += HandleNotificationOpened;
            OneSignal.Default.PrivacyConsent = false;

Here is AppDelegate.cs

           OneSignal.Default.NotificationOpened += HandleNotificationOpened;

And just after user is authenticated at login page

            await OneSignal.Default.PromptForPushNotificationsWithUserResponse(true);
            await OneSignal.Default.SetExternalUserId(settings.ONESIGNAL_EXTERNALUSERID);

            ////////////code never reaches here

            OneSignal.Default.PrivacyConsent = true;

This was working before for both android and ios (for this app we published last year). But now it stucks for ios.

If i comment out PromptForPushNotificationWithUserResponse, app opens but onesignal mentions "Missing Push Capability"

What am i doing wrong here? Or do you have any advice?

This took my whole day, any help would be appreciated.



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enkaradag commented 1 month ago

Now tested, it is not working for android also. It stucks at the same point.

Do i have to upgrade to OnesignalSdk.DotNet? Or am i missing something?