OneSignal / onesignal-go-api

The official OneSignal API client for Go
MIT License
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The module name does not match the repo name #5

Closed akeemphilbert closed 2 years ago

akeemphilbert commented 2 years ago

The module name is onesignal-go-client in the go.mod but the repo name is onesignal-go-api. This causes an error parsing go.mod:
        module declares its path as:
                but was required as:

I was able to get it installed by doing go get I'm guessing the repo was renamed. If this was intentional then update the instructions here -

rgomezp commented 2 years ago

Howdy @akeemphilbert ! You are exactly right. Thanks for pointing this out. We will get it fixed asap.

rgomezp commented 2 years ago

This is now resolved. Thanks