OneSignal / onesignal-python-api

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[Bug]: Able to send a Web Push with only App Id and Player Id (No REST Api Key) #28

Open k-ahn opened 5 months ago

k-ahn commented 5 months ago

What happened?

I am able to send a web push notification without passing any authentication information. The code is:

import onesignal
from onesignal.api import default_api
from onesignal.model.notification import Notification

with onesignal.ApiClient() as api_client:
    api_instance = default_api.DefaultApi(api_client)

def createNotification():
    notification = Notification()
    notification.set_attribute('app_id', ONESIGNAL_APP_ID)
    notification.set_attribute('headings', { 'en': 'New Message' })
    notification.set_attribute('contents', { 'en': "Test Message" })
    notification.set_attribute('include_player_ids', [VALID_ONESIGNAL_PLAYER_ID])
    return notification

notification = createNotification()
notificationResponse = api_instance.create_notification(notification)

The documentation states you should pass a configuration object to onesignal.ApiClient() as follows:

configuration = onesignal.Configuration(
    app_key = "YOUR_APP_KEY",
    user_key = "YOUR_USER_KEY"

with onesignal.ApiClient(configuration)

However, the code works without passing the configuration object, thus enabling a push notification to be sent with only an app id and player id.

Steps to reproduce?

1. pip3 install onesignal
2. pip3 install onesignal-python-api
3. python3 <code in descriptionn>

What did you expect to happen?

I expected the push send to fail because no Rest API Key was provided

Relevant log output

The code responds with the following object when run:

{'external_id': 'A-UUID-STRING',

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