OneSignal / react-native-onesignal

React Native Library for OneSignal Push Notifications Service
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OneSignal.setNotificationOpenedHandler() showing different result in Huawei HMS compare to Android GMS #1251

Closed zarepp closed 3 years ago

zarepp commented 3 years ago

Description: I'm currently integrating OneSignal react-native plugin in both HMS and GMS environment, it seems like does not work in HMS environment in Huawei device without GMS. But it works in normal Android GMS device.

I able to get getDeviceState() returned values, but setNotificationWillShowInForegroundHandler() I can't get any values after test push messages from OneSignal server as well as using postman API.

Environment react-native-onesignal": "^4.0.6"[0.12.1, 0.99.99] com.huawei.agconnect:agcp: com.huawei.hms:push:

Steps to Reproduce Issue:

  1. Open the app and stay in foreground
  2. Send a push notification to the app via OneSignal dashboard
  3. GetDeviceState is get called, with all required token, ids and states.
  4. Click on the notification.
  5. OneSignal.setNotificationOpenedHandler() triggered show result:

Android GMS

action: { type: 0 }
notification: {
  androidNotificationId: -978693883,
  body: "Test PN",
  fromProjectNumber: "XXXXXX",
  groupedNotifications: null,
  lockScreenVisibility: 1,
  notificationId: "fcdda39e-1bcb-4491-84c8-efa002466013",
  priority: 5,
  rawPayload: " 
{\"google.delivered_priority\":\"normal\",\"google.sent_time\":1624418099441,\"google.ttl\":259200,\"google.original_priority\":\"normal\",\"custom\":\"{\\\"i\\\":\\\"fcdda39e-1bcb-4491-84c8-efa002466013\\\"}\",\"pri\":\"5\",\"vis\":\"1\",\"from\":\"XXXXXXX\",\"alert\":\"Test PN\",\"title\":\"Test\",\"google.message_id\":\"0:1624418099473421%1d39a545f9fd7ecd\",\"\":\"XXXXXX\",\"androidNotificationId\":-978693883}",
  templateId: "",
  templateName: "",
  title: "Test"

Huawei HMS

action: { type: 0 }
notification: {
  androidNotificationId: 0,
  groupedNotifications: null,
  lockScreenVisibility: 1,
  notificationId: "52ed42f4-8026-4d71-902d-b9099552ec80",
  priority: 0,
  rawPayload: "{\"custom\":\"{\\\"i\\\":\\\"52ed42f4-8026-4d71-902d- b9099552ec80\\\"}\",\"_push_msgid\":\"-1375519372\",\"_hw_from\":\"XXXXXXXX\",\"_push_data_version\":\"1\",\"_push_notifyid\":785785607,\"_push_cmd_type\":\"cosa\"}",
  templateId: "",
  templateName: ""
syuhadazulkifli commented 3 years ago

Hello @rgomezp, I also facing the same issue as stated by @zarepp here. Seek your feedback and assistance regarding this issue. Thanks

syuhadazulkifli commented 3 years ago

Hi @rgomezp. We are still hoping to get feedback from your end. Thanks in advance.

ramosalx1504 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am using version 4.2.0 and it seems that it has not been fixed yet.

OneSignal.setNotificationOpenedHandler() for HMS returns:

{ "rawPayload": "{\"custom\":\"{\\"i\\":\\"472e45f2-8bd2-4be3-b39e-049c93dd7ed7\\"}\",\"_push_msgid\":\"-1643710186\",\"_hw_from\":\"736430079245858662\",\"_push_data_version\":\"1\",\"_push_notifyid\":538084639,\"_push_cmd_type\":\"cosa\"}", "lockScreenVisibility": 1, "androidNotificationId": 0, "templateId": "", "priority": 0, "groupedNotifications": null, "templateName": "", "notificationId": "472e45f2-8bd2-4be3-b39e-049c93dd7ed7" }

syuhadazulkifli commented 3 years ago


Howdy, We were seeing some issues with the foreground handler but they got fixed in 4.1.1.

Please upgrade to the latest version.


@rgomezp The issue still has not been fixed yet with v4.2.0. Body & title still missing in rawPayload. Please advice us with any suggestion to cater this issue.

rgomezp commented 3 years ago


Thanks for your patience everyone.

So unfortunately it looks like Huawei doesn't provide what was displayed on the notification such as the title and body text. However, as a workaround, you can add anything you choose as additional data and it will be provided in the payload.

Hope the workaround helps.
