OneSignal / react-native-onesignal

React Native Library for OneSignal Push Notifications Service
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[Bug]: External user id is not set for android #1565

Open Chasty opened 10 months ago

Chasty commented 10 months ago

What happened?

I'm using the new method OneSignal.login(externalId) in "react-native-onesignal": "5.0.0" and docs says

It is set when calling the OneSignal.login method, which will associate the current push subscription to the user that can be identified via alias external_id=USER_EXTERNAL_ID.

so, for ios, it is working fine, but for Android, it is not.

Steps to reproduce?

1. Install react-native-onesignal
2. Subscription is created correctly with given code in docs.
3. Call OneSignal.login(externalId).
4. Add tags

What did you expect to happen?

Tags are correctly setup, but externalId is not created or linked after using the login method.

I will attach an image where the external Id is not present, even after login. also, in log cat for android, i can confirm I'm sending the externalId.

Screen Shot 2023-09-20 at 11 50 08

React Native OneSignal SDK version


Which platform(s) are affected?

Relevant log output

[OpRepo] UpdateUserOperationExecutor(operation: [{"name":"set-tag","appId":"APP_ID,"onesignalId":"0804ec65-6139-4997-8360-2a51c568c62f","key":"user_type","value":"free","id":"73f04223-7046-4ef3-9d59-f3a5211af2ea"}, {"name":"set-tag","appId":"APP_ID","onesignalId":"0804ec65-6139-4997-8360-2a51c568c62f","key":"user_privileges","value":"user","id":"096d9d5a-a763-4122-b1b5-9a36066dc8fb"}, {"name":"set-tag","appId":"APP_ID","onesignalId":"0804ec65-6139-4997-8360-2a51c568c62f","key":"user_name","value":"iphone X","id":"d3aadb7e-f008-4fe8-9820-1fa38569cf43"}, {"name":"login-user","appId":"APP_ID","onesignalId":"local-be9c0dc1-99c3-4cb3-a6b8-d9ed6b5a9fbd","externalId":"63e2e8d44f28ce00147b5faf","existingOnesignalId":"0804ec65-6139-4997-8360-2a51c568c62f","id":"2c2d4187-bd93-48ab-adec-77cc0c356b7c"}])

Code of Conduct

Chasty commented 10 months ago

UPDATE: adding the alias with key external_id seems to do the trick; it updates the external id, no matter which value is set in the alias external_id

OneSignal.User.addAlias('external_id', 'userId-test-1')

but getting an issue.

PATCH RECEIVED JSON: {"errors":[{"code":"user-2","title":"One or more Aliases claimed by another User","meta":{"external_id":"userId-test-1"}}]}

/identity - FAILED STATUS: 409

Operation execution failed without retry: "label":"external_id","value":"userId-test-1","id":"16a36673-19bc-440d-9276-8143aea8751f"}]
nan-li commented 10 months ago

Hi @Chasty, Thank you for reporting.

Can you share more logs from when you call OneSignal.login(YOUR_EXTERNAL_ID)? This log you shared only shows the operations the SDK is about to send to the server, and does not provide much information about what happens after. Can you share more logs after this point so we can see what is happening?

[OpRepo] UpdateUserOperationExecutor(operation: [{"name":"set-tag","appId":"APP_ID,"onesignalId":"0804ec65-6139-4997-8360-2a51c568c62f","key":"user_type","value":"free","id":"73f04223-7046-4ef3-9d59-f3a5211af2ea"}, {"name":"set-tag","appId":"APP_ID","onesignalId":"0804ec65-6139-4997-8360-2a51c568c62f","key":"user_privileges","value":"user","id":"096d9d5a-a763-4122-b1b5-9a36066dc8fb"}, {"name":"set-tag","appId":"APP_ID","onesignalId":"0804ec65-6139-4997-8360-2a51c568c62f","key":"user_name","value":"iphone X","id":"d3aadb7e-f008-4fe8-9820-1fa38569cf43"}, {"name":"login-user","appId":"APP_ID","onesignalId":"local-be9c0dc1-99c3-4cb3-a6b8-d9ed6b5a9fbd","externalId":"63e2e8d44f28ce00147b5faf","existingOnesignalId":"0804ec65-6139-4997-8360-2a51c568c62f","id":"2c2d4187-bd93-48ab-adec-77cc0c356b7c"}])

The 409 "user-2" error you see for OneSignal.User.addAlias('external_id', 'userId-test-1') means you are trying to add this external_id to the user that has onesignalId of 0804ec65-6139-4997-8360-2a51c568c62f. However, the external_id of 'userId-test-1' already exists on a different user with a different onesignalId.

Aliases are unique user identifiers and should not be freely moved from one user to another. You can use the View User API to see details about the user that has the external_id of userId-test-1.

In the SDK, if you are trying to login to an external_id, you should be using the login method, not the addAlias method. This is because the SDK will handle this 409 "user-2" error.

Chasty commented 10 months ago

@nan-li adding this OneSignal.User.addAlias('external_id', 'userId-test-1') before login OneSignal.login(MY_EXTERNAL_ID) actually solves my issue. The first issue here is that MY_EXTERNAL_ID is not linked or set for my particular user.

so the second issue may be expected, but I did not use aliases before, and I'm not concerned about this issue right now because our app is working as expected.

I could reproduce this with an app from scratch. I'll make sure to add logs shortly.

UPDATE: I think the second issue should not happen because I'm adding that external_id alias like this OneSignal.User.addAlias('external_id', 'MY_EXTERNAL_ID') and getting the exact same issue.

Chasty commented 10 months ago

@nan-li here are the logs after OneSignal.login(63e2e8d44f28ce00147b5faf), still not set.

[mqt_native_modules] addEmail(email:
[mqt_native_modules] SubscriptionManager.addSubscription(type: EMAIL, address:
[mqt_native_modules] OperationRepo.enqueue(operation: {"name":"create-subscription",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"95d3bc67-26a3-4657-99db-ce10d2f5c909","subscriptionId":"local-f28f29b2-e1c9-49e8-9fa2-c9bb883831ab","type":"EMAIL","enabled":true,"address":"","status":"SUBSCRIBED"}, flush: false)
[mqt_native_modules] setTag(key: user_type, value: free)
[mqt_native_modules] setTag(key: user_privileges, value: user)
[mqt_native_modules] OperationRepo.enqueue(operation: {"name":"set-tag",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"95d3bc67-26a3-4657-99db-ce10d2f5c909","key":"user_type","value":"free"}, flush: false)
[mqt_native_modules] OperationRepo.enqueue(operation: {"name":"set-tag",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"95d3bc67-26a3-4657-99db-ce10d2f5c909","key":"user_privileges","value":"user"}, flush: false)
[mqt_native_modules] setTag(key: user_name, value: iphone X)
[mqt_native_modules] OperationRepo.enqueue(operation: {"name":"set-tag",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"95d3bc67-26a3-4657-99db-ce10d2f5c909","key":"user_name","value":"iphone X"}, flush: false)
[mqt_native_modules] login(externalId: 63e2e8d44f28ce00147b5faf, jwtBearerToken: null)
[mqt_native_modules] createAndSwitchToNewUser()
[mqt_native_modules] OperationRepo.enqueue(operation: {"name":"transfer-subscription",""appId" "APP_ID"","subscriptionId":"1a6cae57-6bc3-4828-8567-8555bceb2531","onesignalId":"local-876bbeb1-e4d4-453c-927f-8e7935d25e76"}, flush: false)
[Thread-81] OperationRepo.enqueueAndWait(operation: {"name":"login-user",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"local-876bbeb1-e4d4-453c-927f-8e7935d25e76","externalId":"63e2e8d44f28ce00147b5faf","existingOnesignalId":"95d3bc67-26a3-4657-99db-ce10d2f5c909"}, force: true)
[mqt_native_modules] addEmail(email:
[mqt_native_modules] SubscriptionManager.addSubscription(type: EMAIL, address:
[mqt_native_modules] OperationRepo.enqueue(operation: {"name":"create-subscription",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"local-876bbeb1-e4d4-453c-927f-8e7935d25e76","subscriptionId":"local-13362878-de30-41d5-9660-a126590b7e96","type":"EMAIL","enabled":true,"address":"","status":"SUBSCRIBED"}, flush: false)
[mqt_native_modules] setTag(key: user_type, value: free)
[mqt_native_modules] OperationRepo.enqueue(operation: {"name":"set-tag",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"local-876bbeb1-e4d4-453c-927f-8e7935d25e76","key":"user_type","value":"free"}, flush: false)
[mqt_native_modules] setTag(key: user_privileges, value: user)
[mqt_native_modules] OperationRepo.enqueue(operation: {"name":"set-tag",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"local-876bbeb1-e4d4-453c-927f-8e7935d25e76","key":"user_privileges","value":"user"}, flush: false)
[mqt_native_modules] setTag(key: user_name, value: iphone X)
[mqt_native_modules] OperationRepo.enqueue(operation: {"name":"set-tag",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"local-876bbeb1-e4d4-453c-927f-8e7935d25e76","key":"user_name","value":"iphone X"}, flush: false)
[mqt_native_modules] login(externalId: 63e2e8d44f28ce00147b5faf, jwtBearerToken: null)
[mqt_native_modules] OperationRepo.enqueue(operation: {"name":"refresh-user",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"local-876bbeb1-e4d4-453c-927f-8e7935d25e76"}, flush: true)
[OpRepo] SubscriptionOperationExecutor(operations: [{"name":"create-subscription",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"95d3bc67-26a3-4657-99db-ce10d2f5c909","subscriptionId":"local-f28f29b2-e1c9-49e8-9fa2-c9bb883831ab","type":"EMAIL","enabled":true,"address":"","status":"SUBSCRIBED","id":"24fccd8a-92d6-4f61-8ba0-8c44930d013e"}])
[DefaultDispatcher-worker-1] HttpClient: POST apps/ee982b05-fba9-44b9-9ee3-eb432c40d1f2/users/by/onesignal_id/95d3bc67-26a3-4657-99db-ce10d2f5c909/subscriptions - {"subscription":{"type":"Email","token":"","enabled":true,"notification_types":1,"sdk":"050000","device_model":"sdk_gphone64_arm64","device_os":"13","rooted":false,"net_type":0,"carrier":"T-Mobile","app_version":"1"}}
[DefaultDispatcher-worker-1] HttpClient: POST apps/ee982b05-fba9-44b9-9ee3-eb432c40d1f2/users/by/onesignal_id/95d3bc67-26a3-4657-99db-ce10d2f5c909/subscriptions - STATUS: 202 JSON: {"subscription":{"id":"5b5017ab-71e9-43ed-93d0-01324f375b56","app_id":"ee982b05-fba9-44b9-9ee3-eb432c40d1f2","type":"Email","token":"","enabled":true,"notification_types":-99,"session_time":520018,"session_count":164,"sdk":"040805","device_model":"Redmi Note 9 Pro","device_os":"10","rooted":false,"test_type":0,"app_version":"2079714183","net_type":0,"carrier":"#VAMOSPERU","web_auth":"","web_p256":""}}
[OpRepo] OperationRepo: execute response = SUCCESS
[OpRepo] UpdateUserOperationExecutor(operation: [{"name":"set-tag",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"95d3bc67-26a3-4657-99db-ce10d2f5c909","key":"user_type","value":"free","id":"c4f47834-12f4-4fd2-a59b-b93ddd323111"}, {"name":"set-tag",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"95d3bc67-26a3-4657-99db-ce10d2f5c909","key":"user_privileges","value":"user","id":"d37dd3e4-fa5b-4c79-a1d2-b4cd838e0e74"}, {"name":"set-tag",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"95d3bc67-26a3-4657-99db-ce10d2f5c909","key":"user_name","value":"iphone X","id":"9aa7ec60-46e5-4d77-8ad2-fa4a84892a30"}, {"name":"login-user",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"local-876bbeb1-e4d4-453c-927f-8e7935d25e76","externalId":"63e2e8d44f28ce00147b5faf","existingOnesignalId":"95d3bc67-26a3-4657-99db-ce10d2f5c909","id":"3c794b10-a424-406c-914f-42f0a38d17de"}, {"name":"set-tag",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"local-876bbeb1-e4d4-453c-927f-8e7935d25e76","key":"user_type","value":"free","id":"08c02adf-3f56-4cee-9a06-24104649b806"}, {"name":"set-tag",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"local-876bbeb1-e4d4-453c-927f-8e7935d25e76","key":"user_privileges","value":"user","id":"19fdefdc-1763-4bc0-9c20-6ed9e67012e2"}, {"name":"set-tag",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"local-876bbeb1-e4d4-453c-927f-8e7935d25e76","key":"user_name","value":"iphone X","id":"f034f8f0-f53e-4a44-9102-9346c5454267"}])
[DefaultDispatcher-worker-3] HttpClient: PATCH apps/ee982b05-fba9-44b9-9ee3-eb432c40d1f2/users/by/onesignal_id/95d3bc67-26a3-4657-99db-ce10d2f5c909 - {"refresh_device_metadata":false,"properties":{"tags":{"user_type":"free","user_privileges":"user","user_name":"iphone X"}}}
[DefaultDispatcher-worker-3] HttpClient: PATCH apps/ee982b05-fba9-44b9-9ee3-eb432c40d1f2/users/by/onesignal_id/95d3bc67-26a3-4657-99db-ce10d2f5c909 - STATUS: 202 JSON: {"properties":{"tags":{"user_name":"iphone X","user_privileges":"user","user_type":"free"}}}
[OpRepo] OperationRepo: execute response = SUCCESS
[Thread-81] OperationRepo.enqueueAndWait(operation: {"name":"refresh-user",""appId" "APP_ID"","onesignalId":"local-876bbeb1-e4d4-453c-927f-8e7935d25e76"}, force: true)
ajouve commented 9 months ago

Same issue there, I had to set OneSignal.User.addAlias('external_id', id) before the login

FazilMuhammed commented 9 months ago

@ajouve @Chasty @nan-li Anyone please help me how get player id / External ID react native oneSignal version 5+

const state = await OneSignal.getDeviceState(); const userID = state.userId;

this is not working how to get external ID and Subscription ID

Chasty commented 9 months ago

@FazilMuhammed external ID is the userId from your user in your own database.

mahmoudElfeel67 commented 9 months ago

@nan-li i am also getting this issue when upgrading to the newest onesignal library

2023-10-19 15:02:24.858 OneSignal E Operation execution failed without retry: [{"name":"login-user","appId":"e4b404e3-f5ee-4f9b-a69d-0c2bdb87589d","onesignalId":"local-3209dbe0-3bfe-4de7-ae18-e49842950e22","externalId":"2531197224","existingOnesignalId":"4914a1f4-1da8-444d-87ba-601b7a58086d","id":"2aa07e9f-0b63-48b5-80d4-153625aa152b"}, {"name":"transfer-subscription","appId":"e4b404e3-f5ee-4f9b-a69d-0c2bdb87589d","subscriptionId":"0671cc21-6536-40d9-889e-f87fba046088","onesignalId":"local-3209dbe0-3bfe-4de7-ae18-e49842950e22","id":"1c8c0386-b982-4f31-a468-139faa67f541"}, {"name":"create-subscription","appId":"e4b404e3-f5ee-4f9b-a69d-0c2bdb87589d","onesignalId":"local-3209dbe0-3bfe-4de7-ae18-e49842950e22","subscriptionId":"local-7d842b68-4633-4de9-9e56-a274b4a01f0d","type":"EMAIL","enabled":true,"address":"","status":"SUBSCRIBED","id":"c481b5e2-66f9-4129-9bb7-6e03965c6fae"}] 2023-10-19 15:02:24.949 OneSignal E Could not login user

Login is failing and user user doesn't have an external id because of this failure

MohammedShehata commented 9 months ago

I've the same issue for Android sdk, is there any one solved the issue? thanks!

rikinshah23 commented 8 months ago
OneSignal.User.addAlias('external_id', 'userId-test-1')

I have tried this but still not able to set external id. below is my code "react-native-onesignal": "^5.0.2",

  useEffect(() => {
    //OneSignal Init Code

    // Remove this method to stop OneSignal Debugging
  }, []);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (user) {
      try {
        OneSignal.User.addAlias('external_id', 'userId-test-1');
      } catch (error) {
  }, [user]);

@Chasty Could you please help?

Juanli07 commented 8 months ago

I've the same issue for Android sdk, is there any one solved the issue? thanks!

Have you found a solution for this? I've the same issue.

MohammedShehata commented 8 months ago

@Juanli07 I have to downgrade the version to 4.8.6 and it is working well!

Juanli07 commented 8 months ago

@MohammedShehata could you shared to me the library initialization with that version? thanks!

rikinshah23 commented 8 months ago

@MohammedShehata I tried to install and says Couldn't find any versions for "react-native-onesignal" that matches "4.8.6"

Nachox07 commented 8 months ago

I have the same issue in iOS and Android, and it works fine in version 4.5.2. Also, the new version doesn't have a way to specify the identity hash for authenticating the user, which is really necessary to ensure a safe subscription. Please advise here if there is a workaround in the latest version or a way to do this.

// How it works with 4.5.2
OneSignal.setEmail(email, null);
OneSignal.setExternalUserId(_id, identityHash, results => {
RogerBrusamarello commented 8 months ago

any updates here?

ghk829 commented 7 months ago

please resolve it

minhit1805 commented 7 months ago

Please help me, I am getting the same bug on the IOS external id field still empty, OneSignal.login("id_test_01") not working on Unity with OneSignal 5.0.5 SDK.

Juanli07 commented 7 months ago

@minhit1805 in my case, I've apps in iOS and android, and in both cases I had to downgrade the SDK version.

hjun555 commented 7 months ago

Same here. OneSignal.login(pushId) does not put an external_id value which i can check through onesignal dashboard.

programmerxx89 commented 6 months ago

Someone has been able to fix this? OneSignal.login(ExternalID) seems to do not work at all

MohammedShehata commented 6 months ago

@programmerxx89 I faced this issue but in the native side, I tried to downgrade the version of one signal and it is working now!

gasmighassen commented 5 months ago

i solved the issue by downgrading to onesignal 4.5.2

laooola commented 5 months ago

We're facing the same problem after upgrading to v5. This is the official OneSignal SDK for React Native, isn't it? I'm really disappointed. 😒

opmat commented 5 months ago

OneSignal.login(ExternalID) works for me on v5.0.5

It might not work if OneSignal is not fully initialized when the login function is called.

What I have done to overcome this challenge is that I initialized OneSignal in the root screen (App.tsx) as usual and then I call OneSignal.login(ExternalID) first in the App.tsx screen and call it again in my Dashboard Screen when I'm sure that OneSignal must have been initialized. I also check to make sure that the ExternalID also is not null.

I hope this helps someone

Edit: In addition, OneSignal.User.pushSubscription.addEventListener('change', myListener); can also come in handy to effect the login. I have also used this technique to get it done

mefik1337 commented 4 months ago

Well if u pushing just id in string example OneSignal.login("1") or OneSignal.login("5") it won't work. Just add OneSignal.login("user-id-${userId}") it fixed that issue for me.

Also in settings/keys_and_ids on OneSignal web i've changed: Identity Verification for email + external_id (recommended) to off.

MuhamadHaydar commented 3 months ago

I got the same issue in OneSignal latest version (5.1.3) in Flutter.

The OneSignal.login("External_Id") is not setting ID and in the dashboard, it shows that the external ID has not been set for a particular user, in my case the external ID is for one user, but this user has more than one devices.

Any Updates on this issue?

danilocanalle commented 3 months ago

We having the same issue here (5.1.0) on Android. After method .login(ID), on iOS it works well, but on Android, is External ID keep empty on Dashboard.

AbdulBasit-Kagzi commented 3 months ago


Is this permanent solution or temporary one?

bogdannedelcu commented 2 months ago

This happens randomly on iOS too. We are able to get subscription ID and save it in our logs but calling OneSignal.User.login does not save the externalID in dashboard. We use latest Flutter SDK.

LuisGilGB commented 2 months ago

Also experiencing random cases of a subscription having no external id at all in my React Native app (both for Android and iOS). Hoping to try some of the suggested workarounds here; but that will have to wait in my case.

ydolzhenko commented 1 month ago

Same here, external id is being set or not set randomly.

Arthur-bl-dev commented 1 month ago

The same problem here, the external id is not set when logging in ios and android.

bogdannedelcu commented 1 month ago

It is a pitty they do not investigate this further. We wrote several cases to technical support with explicit ID's to investigate in their logs. We decided to look for other similar platforms as alternatives as we have several clients affected by this anomalies.

În joi, 20 iun. 2024 la 05:00 Arthur BL @.***> a scris:

The same problem here, the external id is not set when logging in ios and android.

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budostylz commented 1 month ago

We came across this problem with the external ids being null. Our workaround is using the OneSignal IDs instead. OneSignal is changing their user model to use the OneSignal IDs. These ids appear to be consistent upon situations when the app installs/loads or when users change devices.

Instead of using the external_id in your notification code use the onesignal_id for your alias, which seems more consistent and reliable.

JoseDanielDev commented 1 month ago

@budostylz hi bro, can you share please how can I get the one signal_id? im getting null

budostylz commented 1 month ago

const OneSignalUserID = await OneSignal.User.getOnesignalId(); //get onesignal id
OneSignal.User.addAlias('onesignal_id', OneSignalUserID); //set alias


//function to persist one signal id in data store
updateNotificationIDToDataStore(UID, OneSignalUserID);

//payload to send notification
  const alias = await getOneSignalIDFromDataStore();
  let data = {
        app_id: `${appKey}`,
        include_aliases: { onesignal_id: [alias] }, //use onesignal id in alias
        target_channel: "push",
        isIos: true,
        contents: {
          en: message,
wangwailok commented 1 week ago

Just keep your version before v5. OneSignal.login() is much worse than OneSignal.setExternalUserId().

budostylz commented 1 week ago

OneSignal proved to be unreliable. We switched to Firebase Messaging which is free and more reliable than OneSignal. The only caveat is creating your own analytics.

bogdannedelcu commented 1 week ago

it was ok until this happened, not sure why they are not able to track this down, we offered detailed logs and phonenumbers... we moved to airship

On Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 1:23 PM Shaun Lewis @.***> wrote:

OneSignal proved to be unreliable. We switched to Firebase Messaging which is free and more reliable than one signal. The only caveat is creating your own analytics.

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