OneSignal / react-onesignal

React OneSignal Module: Make it easy to integrate OneSignal with your React App!
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React OneSignal 2.0 now in beta #44

Closed rgomezp closed 2 years ago

rgomezp commented 2 years ago

🚧 2.0 Beta Release 🚧

Howdy! We are happy to announce that we have released the 2.0 beta version of this package which includes several major changes.


yarn add react-onesignal@2.0.0-beta1


npm install --save react-onesignal@2.0.0-beta1

⚠️ Includes breaking changes

If you are coming from <2.0, you will need to migrate if you choose to update the package.

Migration Guide

Review the updated documentation in the README.

Key Changes

The initialization function has been changed to match 1:1 with the underlying OneSignal WebSDK. The function has been renamed init. The appId is now set via the single config options argument passed to the init function:

import OneSignal from 'react-onesignal';

OneSignal.init({ appId: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' });

Furthermore, there is no longer a need to wrap the initialization in the useOneSignalSetup hook. The order of functions relative to the OneSignal initialization no longer matters (although we still recommend initializing OneSignal in a top-level component).

Event listeners can now be added directly via the on function. This function takes an event string and a callback.

We have added new functions to support the latest OneSignal functions and features.

Typings are included in the package automatically. See below for a full list of the functions included in this package:

interface OneSignal {
  init(options?: any): Promise<void>
  on(event: string, listener: Function): void
  off(event: string, listener: Function): void
  once(event: string, listener: Function): void
  isPushNotificationsEnabled(callback?: Action<boolean>): Promise<boolean>
  showHttpPrompt(options?: AutoPromptOptions): void
  registerForPushNotifications(options?: RegisterOptions): Promise<void>
  setDefaultNotificationUrl(url: string): void
  setDefaultTitle(title: string): void
  getTags(callback?: Action<any>): void
  sendTag(key: string,  value: any,  callback?: Action<Object>): Promise<Object | null>
  sendTags(tags: TagsObject<any>,  callback?: Action<Object>): Promise<Object | null>
  deleteTag(tag: string): Promise<Array<string>>
  deleteTags(tags: Array<string>,  callback?: Action<Array<string>>): Promise<Array<string>>
  addListenerForNotificationOpened(callback?: Action<Notification>): void
  setSubscription(newSubscription: boolean): Promise<void>
  showHttpPermissionRequest(options?: AutoPromptOptions): Promise<any>
  showNativePrompt(): Promise<void>
  showSlidedownPrompt(options?: AutoPromptOptions): Promise<void>
  showCategorySlidedown(options?: AutoPromptOptions): Promise<void>
  showSmsSlidedown(options?: AutoPromptOptions): Promise<void>
  showEmailSlidedown(options?: AutoPromptOptions): Promise<void>
  showSmsAndEmailSlidedown(options?: AutoPromptOptions): Promise<void>
  getNotificationPermission(onComplete?: Function): Promise<NotificationPermission>
  getUserId(callback?: Action<string | undefined | null>): Promise<string | undefined | null>
  getSubscription(callback?: Action<boolean>): Promise<boolean>
  setEmail(email: string,  options?: SetEmailOptions): Promise<string|null>
  setSMSNumber(smsNumber: string,  options?: SetSMSOptions): Promise<string | null>
  logoutEmail(): void
  logoutSMS(): void
  setExternalUserId(externalUserId: string | undefined | null,  authHash?: string): Promise<void>
  removeExternalUserId(): Promise<void>
  getExternalUserId(): Promise<string | undefined | null>
  provideUserConsent(consent: boolean): Promise<void>
  getEmailId(callback?: Action<string | undefined>): Promise<string | null | undefined>
  getSMSId(callback?: Action<string | undefined>): Promise<string | null | undefined>
  sendOutcome(outcomeName: string,  outcomeWeight?: number | undefined): Promise<void>


Consider the above changes when migrating to version 2 and make sure to thoroughly test your application.


Please provide any feedback in the below thread during the Beta period to ensure we can address any potential issues.


rgomezp commented 2 years ago

Version 2.0 now out of Beta!