OneZoom / OZtree

OneZoom Tree of Life Explorer
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pre caching of tree isn't the same as on live website #11

Open jrosindell opened 7 years ago

jrosindell commented 7 years ago

Large circular leaves are rendered in fly throughs when the live site somehow knows to precache those parts of the tree and does not render unexpanded parts of the tree as circles

jrosindell commented 6 years ago

To clarify what I meant was that at the time of opening this issue the live website did a better job of pre rendering side branches of the tree in advance of a fly through than did the latest version of the software (which is live at the time of writing this comment). Overall this related to the issue of preloading sufficient data about a fly through before commencing the fly itself so that it's a good experience for the user in terms of both smoothness and detail (this comment related to detail)

lentinj commented 5 years ago

I don't think this is really about pre-loading of node details, although obviously more detail would help, I think it's about the fact that it's more obvious. There's 2 factors at play here, all related to nodes not properly knowing if they're children when undeveloped: