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Contact IUCN to ask about use of API #181

Open hyanwong opened 5 years ago

hyanwong commented 5 years ago

As discussed with @jrosindell - we can no longer embed IUCN pages, so would probably do better to construct our own using . We need to ask IUCN if they would approve of this. I will try to mock something up so we can show them something. I think this is quite urgent, as the IUCN tab does not currently work. Also I have been asked by a teacher in the US, Polly Beebout (polly underscore beebout @, to make the IUCN text info available in OZ.

@jrosindell - can you possibly ask your IUCN contacts about this, so that we can try implementing something before October?

This is essentially the same as issue

jrosindell commented 4 years ago

It shows that Looks like this needs to be https, but the problem is that they have set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN, DENY' which is why it doesn't work. I've written to them several times now without response - guess they are busy. Just tried again.

hyanwong commented 4 years ago

If we don't iframe, but instead make our own IUCN page using the data from their API, we shouldn't need the 'X-Frames-Options' thing. The page won't be very pretty, just a splurge of text, but it's better than nothing, right? So we only need their permission to use their text (carefully credited, of course) in this way.

hyanwong commented 4 years ago

We should generate a token for the API use, if we don't have one already. We can store it in appconfig.ini, like we do for the EoL token. I'm assuming we don't have to tick "Are you a commercial entity, or will the API be used as part of a commercial project?", @jrosindell ?

jrosindell commented 4 years ago

We're not a commercial entity certainly, as for whether this is a commercial project, I think we're not that based on the spirit of what they probably mean. I've saved in our private OneZoom DropBox folder an old e-mail from the head of the Red List confirming that he has seen the changes we've made and the way we're using the Red List and is happy with it - so if anyone questions it, we can show that we've engaged with them and they have agreed. I'm trying to reach out again as it would be nice to be clearer about all this, but guess they are very busy.

For now, I suggest don't make any change and wait to see if we can get some kind of engagement.

jrosindell commented 4 years ago

Relevant files that may need to be edited and

hyanwong commented 4 years ago


hyanwong commented 4 years ago

(shouldn't need to edit much, I think. It only defines the type of tabs used, not any features of the tabes, or indeed if they are shown or not. E.g. it defines an opentree tab which is usually hidden)