Oneflow-Inc / oneflow

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creating GroupNorm with device and dtype throws Exceptions #10493

Open fpzh2011 opened 2 months ago

fpzh2011 commented 2 months ago


Creating GroupNorm with device and dtype throws Exceptions.

Code to reproduce bug

import oneflow as flow
m = flow.nn.GroupNorm(2, 3, device=flow.device("cpu"), dtype=flow.float32)

Exception messages:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/zhengjianhua/oneflow/python/oneflow/nn/modules/", line 140, in __init__
    self.weight = flow.nn.Parameter(flow.Tensor(num_channels, **factory_kwargs))
TypeError: Error: _legacy_tensor_ctor(): received an invalid combination of arguments. The valid signatures are:
        *0: Tensor (*, Device device=None)
        *1: Tensor (*, Placement placement, SbpList sbp)
        *2: Tensor (Tensor other)
        *3: Tensor (PyObject* data, *, Device device=None)
        *4: Tensor (PyObject* data, *, Placement placement, SbpList sbp)
        *5: Tensor (Shape size, *, Device device=None)
        *6: Tensor (Shape size, *, Placement placement, SbpList sbp)

System Information

latest master, git commit id: 44ad9947152865f873df524abdcaa93f851e09ac