OnetapInc / chromy

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Hide elements in dom. #115

Open alucardu opened 6 years ago

alucardu commented 6 years ago

I have certain elements I don't want to show on my screenshots. Any way to hide them using Chromy?

dotneet commented 6 years ago

it is way to do that.

.evaluate(_ => {
  document.querySelector('#target').style.opacity = '0'
alucardu commented 6 years ago

That returns a

COMMAND | ReferenceError: document is not defined


var elementExists = document.getElementsByClassName(".searchbarX div .hidden-lower-xl");


if (elementExists) {
    .evaluate(_ => {
      document.querySelector('.searchbarX div .hidden-lower-xl').style.opacity = '0'

It looks like it executes the code before the page is loaded.

dotneet commented 6 years ago

document can be accessed in evaluate context only.

does this works?

  .evaluate(_ => {
      var elementExists = document.getElementsByClassName(".searchbarX div .hidden-lower-xl");
      if (elementExists) {
        document.querySelector('.searchbarX div .hidden-lower-xl').style.opacity = '0'