OnetapInc / chromy

Chromy is a library for operating headless chrome. 🍺🍺🍺
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Goto not working if it's the same as current url? #116

Open alucardu opened 6 years ago

alucardu commented 6 years ago

My application has some issues with redirection. It goes through a Microsoft authentication process which can't be bypassed. Sometimes my tests don't get redirected and the URL stays "http://localhost:8080/etc/something" and sometimes I get redirected from my localhost to the Microsoft authentication server which redirects me to another URL. SO I've written this:

chromy .wait(3500) .goto(scenario.url)

After all the redirects happen the test is redirected to the scenario url. This works fine. But I've noticed that when I don't get redirected I don't get any screenshots. I'm also using BackstopJs.