OnetapInc / chromy

Chromy is a library for operating headless chrome. 🍺🍺🍺
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please add babel-runtime as a prod dependency #75

Closed garris closed 6 years ago

garris commented 6 years ago

Hi @dotneet!

We recently had a security audit at my company -- and it was discovered that the NPM module babel-runtime is actually needed for chromy at runtime. This dependency is added by Babel during build and required by babel for runtime polyfills. In most installation cases this works fine since other packages already declare this package implicitly -- but for chromy to pass our validation it needs to explicitly declare this runtime library in chromy's package.json (it must be under dependencies not devDependencies)

Would it be possible to declare this dependency?

I will try to create a PR to make it easier.


dotneet commented 6 years ago

Hi @garris!

It's ok. I'll wait your PR.

dotneet commented 6 years ago

I've published v0.5.5. please check it!

garris commented 6 years ago

Ok. we are finally checking this on our infrastructure today. Will follow up soon.

garris commented 6 years ago

Worked in prod! This is great! Closing.