OnionIoT / Onion-Docs

Documentation for all things Onion
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to convert Onion-Docs to a offline documentation #87

Closed mickpf closed 3 years ago

mickpf commented 3 years ago

Dear Sirs,

Can you please provide me with the instructions on how to create offline documentation from "Onion-Docs".

Thanks in advance, Michael

crispyoz commented 3 years ago

Michael if you just want the PDF version of the docs these are available at


If you are asking how to create docs from the repo files you need to understand how to use BookDown, the repo is here:


mickpf commented 3 years ago

Hello Crispyoz,

In fact, I'm looking for a PDF version of the documentation because I'm not always connected to the internet. Please forgive me for the sarcasm: Maybe I'm blind, but there are no PDF files in the directory you specified (in subdirs also).

crispyoz commented 3 years ago

Sorry yes you are correct the pdfs are not there, look at https://docs.onion.io/omega2-docs/

crispyoz commented 3 years ago

For more support and advice, join the the Onion Omega community https://community.onion.io/

mickpf commented 3 years ago

There is no PDF version available there either. That's why I asked how to convert "Onion Docs" to PDF.

That it ends like almost everywhere, because you don't want to bother, I already thought. Thanks for nothing...

greenbreakfast commented 3 years ago

For reference, our CI system uses the markdown files in this repo and bookdown to build the html documentation at: http://docs.onion.io/ We have no process for building PDF documentation - so far online documentation has served our users well.

If you need offline PDF documentation, I would suggest taking matters into your own hands. You can try scraping the individual pages at http://docs.onion.io/ and using a utility to convert the html into PDFs.