Closed amsiotdeveloper closed 5 months ago
Ready for initial review.
@remingtontr everything looks great - just a couple small typo's and one comment. @greenbreakfast this article is ready for your review.
@remingtontr added a few comments and suggestions
Thanks @remingtontr Please go ahead with a PR
NOTE: This Subtask is linked to a larger Task List ticket #78
Task Owner:
Who owns this task and will approve the final deliverables? Lazar
Objectives & Goals:
1. How does this task relate to the value track(s)?
2. Create a short statement explaining the objectives and goals for this ticket.
The objectives of this article is to provide the reader with the required information to setup and configure a WiFi networking solution.
Description of the Scope:
For the draft scope outline please refer to:
Anything in italics is an instruction to the writer. The rest is content.
Start with the existing articles in docs/networking in the OnionIoT/documentation repo, and add to them based on the googledocs outlines.
Reference Material:
1. Provide hyperlinks for helpful and related information.
See this article from old documentation:
Deliverables or Desired Outcome:
1. What are the task owners expectations?
create an article consistent with the style guide
2. What does the task owner require for a successful completion of the ticket?
i.e. sample code, drawings, documents etc.
working doc in google docs markdown pushed to repo
Date Required By:
1. When is the scope required to be completed?
no specified date
2. Is this a hard date? Specify if the task is a dependency of another task or if it will impact a customer requirement.
no dependencies