OnionUI / Onion

OS overhaul for Miyoo Mini and Mini+
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Tweaks -> Network-features only save if you exit with the button B #1611

Open Gammelstulle opened 1 week ago

Gammelstulle commented 1 week ago


Wiki Section



Please add to the documentation of Samba, FTP, HTTP, (and all other network-features) that you NEED to press B to exit and save changes. If you otherwise long press the Menu button instead, your changes will not save. TBH I was so confused why my settings I made for the "network-features" are not saved after set end exit via Menu button. Especially as changes like "show expert mode" to "On" are saved just fine if you exit via the menu button. (So maybe this could be also a bug in

I would also make a feature request, that long press the menu button to exit saves changes of all settings in tweaks. (It is just a bit inconsistent the way how it is right now)


(add this to any network feature doc ore just add it to your FAQ)

Save changes

Go back to the tweaks main menu. Exit tweaks with B to apply & start the network-features XY

Provide any additional context or information that may help us with this update

No response

Aemiii91 commented 1 week ago

I'll look into it. You shouldn't have to long press menu for it to exit (a single short press should be enough)

Gammelstulle commented 1 week ago

I'll look into it. You shouldn't have to long press menu for it to exit (a single short press should be enough)

Yikes. I newbie, I use onion since 1 day x.x but love it a lot :).

Aemiii91 commented 5 days ago

Saves fine for me, when pressing MENU after changing a toggle in Tweaks -> Network.