OnkelTem / anki-dm

Anki Deck Manager
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Running composer for novices #13

Open gitonthescene opened 4 years ago

gitonthescene commented 4 years ago

Hi there,

I love Anki, but am not that familiar with PHP. I was able to follow your instructions with one exception. Installing composer via these instructions left me with a composer.phar file and not a composer executable. I guess that is a "php archive" file and so running php composer.phar install worked for me.

It might be helpful for newbies to make this part more clear in the README. Just thought I'd offer the suggestion.

Thanks, -Doug

gitonthescene commented 4 years ago

Also, exporting my deck from Anki generated a file named deck.json, but anki-dm was expecting a json file with the name of my deck.

$ ./vendor/bin/anki-dm import Anki-dm/Geography__USA_States 
Error: Cannot read file: Anki-dm/Geography__USA_States/Geography__USA_States.json
$ cp Anki-dm/Geography__USA_States/{deck.json,Geography__USA_States.json}         
$ ./vendor/bin/anki-dm import Anki-dm/Geography__USA_States              
Created deck: Geography::USA States

And then the deck was not created in the directory pointed to but rather in the directory I ran anki-dm from.

$ ls Anki-dm/Geography__USA_States       
Geography__USA_States.json deck.json                  media
$ ./vendor/bin/anki-dm import Anki-dm/Geography__USA_States
Created deck: Geography::USA States
$ ls Anki-dm/Geography__USA_States                         
Geography__USA_States.json deck.json                  media
$ ls src
config.json data.csv    deck.json   decks       desc.html   media       model.json  style.css   templates

This is certainly confusing for a newbie like me.