OnlyFibonacci / AlgoSeyri

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TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'float' and 'NoneType' #1

Open acemi1 opened 2 years ago

acemi1 commented 2 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/pythondene/", line 110, in explorer(usdtList) File "C:/pythondene/", line 101, in explorer if crossA(sma20,sma50): File "C:\pythondene\", line 88, in cross_above if pre_short < pre_long and short > long: TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'float' and 'NoneType'Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/pythondene/", line 110, in explorer(usdtList) File "C:/pythondene/", line 101, in explorer if crossA(sma20,sma50): File "C:\pythondene\", line 88, in cross_above if pre_short < pre_long and short > long: TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'float' and 'NoneType'

sma değerlerini sma2 ve sma5 olarak değiştirirsem tarama yapıyor. ve aşağıdaki hatayı veriyor pre_short = series_a.iloc[-2] AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'iloc'

acemi1 commented 2 years ago
#from parameters import *
from import Spot as Client  # python3 -m pip install python-binance #pip install binance-connector
import pandas as pd
import pandas_ta as ta
from functions import  cross_above as crossA

# import talib
spot_client = Client(key="", secret="")

# Sembol için geçerli olan ortalama fiyat
def avg_price(coinName: str):
    coin_avg = spot_client.avg_price(symbol=str(coinName))
    return coin_avg['price']

# print(avg_price('BTCUSDT'))

# borsa Verileri
def exchangeInfo(coinName: str):
    exc = spot_client.exchange_info(symbol=str(coinName))
    return exc

# mum verileri
def spot_klinesCoin(coinName: str, period: str, limit: int = None):
    kline = spot_client.klines(symbol=str(coinName), interval=str(period), limit=limit)
    return kline

# 24 saatlik değişimin verisi
def ticker24h(coinName: str):
    hticker24 = spot_client.ticker_24hr(symbol=str(coinName))
    return hticker24

# fiyat
def price(coinName: str):
    return spot_client.ticker_price(symbol=str(coinName))['price']

# timestamp
def serverTime():
    return spot_client.time()['serverTime']

# emir defteri
def book(coinName: str, limit: int):
    return spot_client.depth(symbol=coinName, limit=limit)

# tüm spot verileri
def spot_all_symbols():
    response = spot_client.exchange_info()
    return list(map(lambda symbol: symbol['symbol'], response['symbols']))

# spottaki tüm koinleri sınıflandırma
usdtList = []
btcList = []
ethList = []
for coin in spot_all_symbols():
    if 'USDT' in coin and 'UP' not in coin and 'DOWN' not in coin:
    elif 'BTC' in coin:
    elif 'ETH' in coin:
    # print (coin)

# print (usdtList)
# içerisine aktarılan kline veriyi sınıflandırma, dataframe'e dönüştürme
def spot_symbols_data(coinName: str, period: str, limit: int):
    kline = spot_klinesCoin(coinName=coinName, period=period, limit=limit)
    converted = pd.DataFrame(kline, columns=['open_time', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'close_time',
                                             'quote_asset_volume', 'number_of_trades', 'tbbav', 'tbqav', 'ignore'],
    return converted

# print(spot_symbols_data(coinName='BTCUSDT', period='1h',limit=50))

#btc_data = spot_symbols_data(coinName='BTCUSDT', period='1h', limit=250)
#rsi = ta.rsi(btc_data['close'], 14)

def explorer(coinList):
    result = []
    value = 70
    period ='1d'
    for coin in coinList:
        data = spot_symbols_data(coinName=coin, period=period, limit=500)
        #rsi = ta.rsi(data['close'], 14)
        sma20 = ta.sma(data['close'], 20)
        sma50 = ta.sma(data['close'], 50)
        # if rsi[len(rsi) - 1] > value:
        #    result.append(coin)
        #    print(f"{coin}'in {period} zaman diliminde RSI değeri {value} den büyüktür")
        if crossA(sma20,sma50):
            print(f"{coin}'in {period} zaman diliminde hareketli ortalama kesişimi var.")
    print ("------------- Liste sonuna gelindi -------------")
    # print (f"RSI Değeri {value}' den büyük olan coinler : \n {result} \n ")
    # print(f"RSI Değeri {value}' den büyük olan coinler : \n {result} \n Coin sayısı : {len(result)}")
