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Onos need to have shorter radio messages,to improve long range comunication #76

Open onosAdmin opened 6 years ago

onosAdmin commented 6 years ago

Onos need to have shorter radio messages,to improve long range comunication. So the new messages will be:

Standard part to all messages :

"[S" 3 byte for the start of the message 2 bytes for the address of the node expressed in hex format max number is FF --> 255 1 byte for the type of msg expressed in ascii character 1 byte for the message id (a progressive number from ascii 0 to 9 to identify the message, first time will be 0 next 1 and so on) "#]" 3 byte for the end of the message

The message to change the value of a generic digital object node will be:

3 bytes with "[S" for the start of the message 2 bytes for the address of the node expressed in hex format max number is FF --> 255 1 byte containing "d" for the type of msg , set digital object 2 bytes for the number of the object to change expressed in hexadecimal(for first object of the node it will be "0") 1 byte to tell arduino the value (0 or 1 ) to set the object 1 byte for the message id ,a progressive binary number from 0 to 255 3 bytes with "#]" to close the message example: [S01d001x#] to set the first object (00) of the node to 1, (x is the id value) [S01d000x#] to set the first object (00) of the node to 0, (x is the id value)