# venv 3.10 .venv
cookiecutter gh:OnroerendErfgoed/atramhasis --directory cookiecutters/demo --checkout feature/876_cookiecutters
# below is because atramhasis is not yet released, this will not be part of READMEs
pip install "atramhasis @ git+ssh://git@github.com/OnroerendErfgoed/atramhasis.git@develop"
pip install -e .[dev]
alembic upgrade head
# (for demo only) initialize_atramhasis_db development.ini
pserve development.ini
warning the atramhasis install from github will trigger a dojo build, so prepare for your computer to freeze and close pycharm.
Issue #876
To test from branch:
warning the atramhasis install from github will trigger a dojo build, so prepare for your computer to freeze and close pycharm.