Onto-Med / top-backend

Spring Boot based backend of the TOP Framework
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Could not load text adapter configs from dir 'config/data_sources/nlp' #200

Closed KonradHoeffner closed 6 months ago

KonradHoeffner commented 7 months ago

Executing docker compose up in top-deployment results in the following backend warning:

backend-1   | 2024-02-14 10:47:15.940  WARN 1 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] c.s.t.b.s.nlp.DocumentQueryService       : Could not load text adapter configs from dir 'config/data_sources/nlp'
fmatthies commented 7 months ago

Is this locally on your machine? This is an example of a text adapter config source:

id: Lucene Data Source
adapter: care.smith.top.top_document_query.adapter.lucene.LuceneAdapter
  url: http://localhost
  port: 9201
  - test_documents
  - text
batchSize: 30
replaceFields: {'text': 'content'}
    url: bolt://localhost
    port: 7687
    url: http://localhost
    port: 5000

Supposing, you don't have the services running locally, you could forward the ports from top-prod.

KonradHoeffner commented 7 months ago

Yes, this is locally on my machine when I just git clone and docker compose up. Can we include this in the docker compose setup or disable the warning otherwise?

fmatthies commented 7 months ago

We need to postpone this issue until @ChristophB finishes the restructuring of the backend and how we handle the whole document/concept situation. If Elasticsearch is loaded/connected to within the backend, this warning is hard/not to circumvent as spring will expect an Elasticsearch server. If we handle the whole concept/document situation as an integral part, however, we could load up the Elasticsearch server with an docker compose entry accordingly.

ChristophB commented 6 months ago

The changes I have implemented so far do not affect this warning. How about we reduce the log level of this message to debug?