OntoUML / ontouml-js

Javascript library for manipulating OntoUML models.
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Transformation of relations to gUFO collapse "direct" and inverse properties as the same subject if there is no name #87

Open claudenirmf opened 2 years ago

claudenirmf commented 2 years ago

When a relation is transformed to gUFO and it does not have a name (or the name is equal to the generated one), the resulting object property for the direct and inverted "direction" becomes the same. See below the input model and the following OWL declaration (the relevant excerpt).


:Belief rdf:type owl:Class, gufo:Kind, owl:NamedIndividual;
    rdfs:subClassOf gufo:IntrinsicMode;
    rdfs:label "Belief"@en.
:Person rdf:type owl:Class, gufo:Kind, owl:NamedIndividual;
    rdfs:subClassOf gufo:FunctionalComplex;
    rdfs:label "Person"@en.
:beliefInheresInPerson rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty;
    rdfs:domain :Belief;
    rdfs:range :Person;
    rdfs:label ""@en;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf gufo:inheresIn;
    rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty;
    rdfs:range :Belief;
    rdfs:domain :Person;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf <gufoi:bears>.

Discussion initiated on this issue.