Open pedropaulofb opened 1 year ago
In addition, as you're already going to edit the function, could you please add the following prefix to the generated ttl files (catalog.ttl
and also the ontology.ttl
@prefix dataset: <>.
This is going to reduce the ttl files' size in about 25%, which is a big gain at it currently have almost 30 MB.
This request was also made here:
This issue can be closed after the PR is accepted.
The catalog.ttl file generated by the ontouml2owl-batch function is reporting a syntax problem at line 11.
The problem is:
ERROR: Expected IRI to follow prefix "foaf:" on line 11.
Line 11 is:@prefix foaf: <<>.
Note that a double < char is used.
Can you please correct that? The solution is remove the double char, leaving only one.