The current version of the metadata.yaml structure only provides the contributors' URIs, i.e., only machine-readable information.
As the document is created and also manipulated by humans, maybe it would be great to have also a human-readable format, which would be the inclusion of the authors' names as a string. This could be done (preferably) in the same or (alternatively) in a different metadata field.
Manual inclusion of complete full name in metadata.yaml file
Automatic creation of skos:prefLabel for complete full name (e.g. Pedro Paulo Favato Barcelos)
Automatic creation of skos:altLabel for variations of the name (e.g., Barcelos, P. P. F.).
If it is decided not to use skos labels, the full name and its variations can become rdfs:label.
If we decide to not include the contributor's human-friendly information (as string), items 2 and 3 can be done automatically when creating the TTL files. For this, it is necessary to use the URI's base APIs (like DBLP or ORCID APIs) for collecting the authors' names.
Identified problem
The current version of the metadata.yaml structure only provides the contributors' URIs, i.e., only machine-readable information.
As the document is created and also manipulated by humans, maybe it would be great to have also a human-readable format, which would be the inclusion of the authors' names as a string. This could be done (preferably) in the same or (alternatively) in a different metadata field.
If we decide to not include the contributor's human-friendly information (as string), items 2 and 3 can be done automatically when creating the TTL files. For this, it is necessary to use the URI's base APIs (like DBLP or ORCID APIs) for collecting the authors' names.