OntoUML / ontouml-models

The OntoUML/UFO Catalog is a collaborative, structured and open-source catalog of OntoUML and UFO ontology models.
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Generated file catalog.ttl has invalid syntax #254

Closed pedropaulofb closed 1 year ago

pedropaulofb commented 1 year ago

The catalog.ttl file generated by the ontouml2owl-batch function is reporting a syntax problem at line 11.

The problem is: ERROR: Expected IRI to follow prefix "foaf:" on line 11. Line 11 is: @prefix foaf: <<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>. Note that a double < char is used.

An issue is open at the project's repo for fixing this problem. The issue is: https://github.com/OntoUML/ontouml-js/issues/99

pedropaulofb commented 1 year ago
