OntoUML / ontouml-vp-plugin

A plugin for Visual Paradigm to add support for OntoUML modeling and model intelligence services
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Incorrect treatment of inverse properties in gUFO transformation (in an association with unlabelled ends) #112

Open jpalmeida opened 2 years ago

jpalmeida commented 2 years ago

Plugin v0.5.2

Creation of inverse properties fails when association ends are not explicitly named by the modeler.

Here is a snippet of Turtle generated from a simple model with a kind Person and a charaterization with Belief. Note the error in beliefInheresInPerson.

<http://example.com> rdf:type owl:Ontology;
    owl:imports gufo:.
:Person rdf:type owl:Class, gufo:Kind, owl:NamedIndividual;
    rdfs:subClassOf gufo:FunctionalComplex;
    rdfs:label "Person"@en.
:Belief rdf:type owl:Class, gufo:Kind, owl:NamedIndividual;
    rdfs:subClassOf gufo:IntrinsicMode;
    rdfs:label "Belief"@en.
:beliefInheresInPerson rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty;
    rdfs:domain :Belief;
    rdfs:range :Person;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf gufo:inheresIn;
    rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty;
    rdfs:range :Belief;
    rdfs:domain :Person;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf <gufoi:bears>.
:Person rdfs:subClassOf [
  rdf:type owl:Restriction;
  owl:onProperty :beliefInheresInPerson;
  owl:qualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger;
  owl:onClass :Belief
:Belief rdfs:subClassOf [
  rdf:type owl:Restriction;
  owl:onProperty :beliefInheresInPerson;
  owl:minQualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger;
  owl:onClass :Person
claudenirmf commented 2 years ago

So, just to be precise, the error is the declaration of :beliefInheresInPerson as both a rdfs:subPropertyOf gufo:inheresIn and gufoi:bears, right?

Also, gufoi:bears isn't define or, at least, it is not imported in this case.

Anyway, this seems to be an issue on the ontouml-js project. I will open one there. Do we need an issue to add inverse relations on gUFO as well?