OntoUML / ontouml-vp-plugin

A plugin for Visual Paradigm to add support for OntoUML modeling and model intelligence services
Apache License 2.0
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PhaseMixins can be subtypes of RoleMixins? #113

Closed andredemori closed 2 years ago

andredemori commented 2 years ago

This question arose because when modeling in OntoUML, there is no syntactic error referring to placing a PhaseMixin as a subtype of a RoleMixin. However, the page


does not state that PhaseMixins can be subtypes of RoleMixins. I think the web page should be updated.

The follow article uses this example in one of your models: A Reference Ontology of Money and Virtual Currencies

claudenirmf commented 2 years ago

Indeed these are issues in the documentation, thanks for noticing. As of now we have not identified constraints ruling out specializations between phases and roles.

I have created an issue on the documentation repository to keep track of this.

claudenirmf commented 2 years ago

As this issue does not refer to the plugin itself, I'll be closing it now.