OntoUML / ontouml-vp-plugin

A plugin for Visual Paradigm to add support for OntoUML modeling and model intelligence services
Apache License 2.0
35 stars 15 forks source link

Automated installation (for developers) #145

Open vitorsouza opened 1 year ago

vitorsouza commented 1 year ago

First of all, thank you for this plug-in! Not only because it provides a nice OntoUML editor, but also because I learned a lot about developing plug-ins for Visual Paradigm by looking at your code. :)

So I started developing a plug-in for the FrameWeb language and during the Web Development course this semester (in which I present the plug-in to the students) one of the students asked if he could contribute to the project with a bash script automating the installation procedures for the plug-in (in my case, I don't have a ZIP that people can install yet, I only provide the developer-like installation instructions).

We are on the process of him opening a pull request so that his install script is featured in our repository, but in the mean time you can check it out in his fork of the frameweb-vp-plugin repository.

If you're interested in having something like this for the OntoUML plug-in, it should be straightforward to adapt the script and include it in your repository as well. Just give the credits to Lucas de Almeida please.

propilideno commented 1 year ago

Hi @vitorsouza,

Thank you for this mention. I am updating the script to OntoUML.