OntoZoo / ontobee

Ontobee is a linked data server for ontologies. See: http://www.ontobee.org.
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DRON is not loaded #171

Closed linikujp closed 2 years ago

linikujp commented 2 years ago

Hi the DRON is not loaded correctly. I saw 0 classes, properties and so on.

paolaroncaglia commented 2 years ago

Hi @yongqunh and @linikujp ,

EFO is also not accessible in Ontobee at the moment: empty stats and term search not working. The linked owl file is ok though. I noticed other similar, recent tickets, like https://github.com/OntoZoo/ontobee/issues/174. Could you please look into this?

Thank you in advance.

daniwelter commented 2 years ago

Same problem also for HANCESTRO. I'd appreciate if you could look into it because I think broken purl links stop the refresh in OLS, which means our latest release isn't picked up.

yongqunh commented 2 years ago

both DRON and HANCESTRO should be fixed by now.